Anyone selling a full/good functioning IF-FW/DMMKII card


Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
Gear owned
DM4800 / DA30 / TRS-8
Hi guys.

I've joined this forum last night.
I'm looking if someone is selling a full/good functioning IF-FW/DMMKII card.
Please let me know if you know.
Hey guys,

I just want to let you know that I've ordered one today from Tascam (Teac America inc).
I hope they ship it fast, so it may be in my possesion by Christmas or after, but before the end of the year. Blessings.
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Ok I spoke to a nice lady from sales @ Tascam earlier today and my card is shipping today.....hehehehe......I guess I'm a bit excited.
That card makes the DM an incredible audio interface.
Hope you have a blast making great music with it.
Sending holiday cheer.
Hi Waterstrum thanks.
Yes I'm looking forward to the arrival.
I'll need some guidance for the configuration though as I'm
new to the DM 4800.
Anyway thanks.
Happy holidays and best wishes for 2016.
Hey welcome to the forum! I'm relatively new also and just got the FW card about 4 months ago. Before that was using TDIF but oh my goodness, one cable passing 32 channels of audio is sweet! You will love it I'm sure! Good luck!
Hey Tuviel,
Thx for the welcome.
Yes I think I will enjoy it.
First........because the console has onboard TDIF connections, I was looking for a PCIe TDIF card to fit in a workstation, but I couldn't find any.........
Then I went through the different card options and the interesting one was the ADAT optical, but it has only 8 in/out on a card, so next I was eyeballing the FW card and after some doubts because I had some previous "locking" issues with usb 2, I decided to go for the FW option hoping it is a good move.
Well...I'm looking forward to it's arrival......I expect it to be in my possession by next week thursday.
I'll still have to wait for the Sonnet Allegro FireWire 800 PCIe Card since that was backordered.
Ok I'll be back on this one when it is installed.

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