Armed tracks not heard during playback


New Member
Jan 5, 2021
Gear owned
DP-24, 424 MK3, 488 MK2
Okay so first off, I am an experienced DP-24 SD user, I have been using it for 3 years and it has been my favorite way to record music at home. Moving into my new place I was forced to keep my drums in the basement, but because I like the sound of my bedroom more, I record the rest of my instruments and vocals in my room.

To make recording easier, I figured I would purchase a second DP-24 to keep in the basement so I can record drums without having to move the unit. I purchased the second unit used online, it's the older model with CD. I recorded 4 tracks of drums, and everything worked. Once I tried to record keyboard over it, I was unable to hear the armed track during playback... I tested to see if I can hear it during recording and I can. I can hear it when the song isn't playing as well. But once I hit play, my armed tracks are not audible unless I hit record.

I tried bouncing the song to a stereo track in another song file, and still, same results. I've watched most of Phil's videos, searched the forums, am I missing something? Never had this happen with my other unit
Welcome to the forum. The probable cause is the 'Automatic Monitoring' setting (page 63 in the DP-24SD manual). It's off by default, but maybe you set it and forgot... or more likely the previous owner did this. You should really do a Factory Initialise on a 2nd-hand machine, and also check latest firmware (and then re-format the card if an upgrade was necessary) before using it for serious work.
Yes, he is amazing!
Yes! I went into preferences and the auto monitor was on, so I switched it off. And now all is well.

Thank you so much, Phil!
Interesting. If it's a brand new machine, I'm surprised it was in the non-default state. Was there any sign the machine had been used before? I always wondered what happens to 'new' gear bought from vendors who offer a returns policy, and how thoroughly they check/reset the returned item before putting it back on sale?
Either way, glad you got it sorted.
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Thing is, with previous song I recorded (on the SD card already in the machine) this problem didn’t occur, but I put in and fully formatted a new SD card for the next song, and this is when the problem presented itself. No idea if that procedure may have had anything to do with it.

I bought the unit allegedly new via Tascam through Amazon.
If the new sd-card had never been used on the machine before, I can't think how the setting could have changed. If the previous song was ok, the setting must have been ok from the shop. If you are running the latest firmware, then I'm out of ideas :)
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Most likely explanation is that I went into the preferences at some point after recording the last song and didn’t realize I’d switched the automatic monitoring on. I do recall going in there to adjust the display brightness.
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