Assignable sends on 4800 question


Nov 17, 2012
Riverside Ca.
Gear owned
I'm considering moving up to the 4800 from the 3200. I know the 4800 has 8 assignable sends/returns as opposed to the 4 on the 3200. Is it possible to use those 8 sends to an assignable summing box then return them into the 8 aux returns thereby accomplishing Analong summing? :?: thanks as always...
Seems to me, analog summing should occur from the mixer's stereo bus - either during a mix down or from a mixed stereo file for mastering.

I don't see the advantage in using a summing box in the way you describe - whether using a 3200 or its heftier sibling. Perhaps you could elaborate.

Different strokes for different drummers..... :LOL: I use 8 outs / ins via an IF-analog card for summing in a vintage 8 channel germanium mixer (sometimes 8->2 then analog into a DVR-1000HD and sometimes 8->8 back into the DM where it is summed and AES/EBU into the DVR....).

If you have a spare card slot this may be another option and you can retain for 4 aux sends for whatever...... the extra channels etc on the 4800 don't go astray either :)
If you are taking 8 out and 8 back in you haven't summed them, you've only run them through whatever preamps you sent them to. To actually sum 8 tracks in analog you would send 8 out into your external summing mixer, and then capture the summed audio back into the board as either a single mono or stereo track. If you're taking all 8 tracks back in then they're not yet summed.
Yup - that's what I said "(sometimes 8->2 then analog into a DVR-1000HD and sometimes 8->8 back into the DM where it is summed and AES/EBU into the DVR....)" :arrow:
You can certainly do that, route any internal bus to any output. In fact the DM4800 is a giant patchbay; you can route any input into any output, any buss into any other bus, and create a feedback loop and blow up your speakers if you're not careful.
The ABSOLUTE best way is to get two AN/DM cards with DB25 cables into a summing box. Change the routing in the Output Slot page - and YUMMYVILLE!!

I do this with my TL Fat Track. YUMMYVILLE!!

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