Blue lines across data screen


New Member
Feb 18, 2013
Gear owned
Hi all,
I am using the DM-4800. It's a little over a year old. I noteced blue lines across the data scree, starting to apear. Also there is a blue border around it.
Has anyone delt with this before? Does this mean my data screen is on it's way out, and is there any way to view that info on a compuer monitor?
Thanks in advance,
This is well known problem with DM series mixing consoles. These displays are just pure junk. Some fail in couple of years, some last forever (knocking on wood).

You have 2 main options:
1. You can order a replacement screen from TASCAM and hope it lasts longer
2. You can buy a display interface system from 3:rd party supplier:

and of course there are more options :
3. You can try to convince TASCAM to fix it for free, because this is well-known product defect (wish you luck on that one)
4. There's also DIY fixes for these display units circulating in the web ... with mixed "success" stories
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Just buy another and install it. A cheap fix, and while my original screen started failing with the first year, the screen I installed has run a year and a half without developing a single dead line.
Posted in another thread that I had the same problem 5 years ago but noone confirmed this voodoo, every times lines apear dehumidifier do the trick, but maybe it's just me...I think they are moisture sensitive, but who knows, Tascam technicians (engineers) should told us what's causing this issue but we don't live in a perfect world...!
I've got 14 lines across my screen, at last count [edit to add, they were present when I bought my DM 2 years ago, I don't think it's gotten any worse]. Fortunately they're all near the top and they don't prevent me from being able to read anything. You can always use the Tascam companion software to do a quick screen grab if you're unsure- not the most elegant solution, but it does make me wonder: since there is obviously already a way to send the screen info over the existing USB connection, how much work would be involved with authoring an application that could "stream" the screen over USB? Even at <10fps it would be completely usable, and if it meant not having to deal with cracking open my DM I'd be open to paying a 3-figure price for it.
Yesterday I turn the fifth knob unther the display and boom....there was one blue line in my screen. (Tascam DM 3200)
Today I turned on the Tascam and the blue line was still there.
I rotated the fifth knob again and suddenly the blue line was gone.
Magic or just lucky???
I'm glad the blue line is gone now.

Realy, I think that the blue line problem starts, with touch the fifth knob under the display!
There where it starts my blue line.....

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Have you or anyone installed the 2seemy adaptor? Seems pretty dusting to open the console, and I'd be nervous to break it. Is it really easy and safe to do?
When I look at the pictures how to open the console and install the 2seemy adaptor, I don't think that it would be be a problem.
The people who did open the console, it took them just An half our to finish the job.

I have installed the 2seemy and a new lcd screen from Tascam. I am glad I did both. The 2seemy install was not hard if you follow the directions on their website. It is a nice option to have. Seeing the DM's lcd display on a 27in monitor makes the actual lcd seem so miniscule.
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Hi Everyone, Kevin here. 1st post. I graduated from the DM-24 to the 3200. The 3200 had a mess of blue lines (bought used). Tascam service told me it was the same screen as the DM 24. So I swapped the screen from my DM-24 and sent the defective one to Davan Display that fixes these. $100.00 and it's been working strong for 3 years. I suspect the 4800 uses the exact same screen. Removal and install was much easier on the 3200 than the DM-24
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Yep, the 24, the 3200 nod the 4800 all use the same display. BTW, by the time I looked into having one repaired, there was no one I could find who still did this model.

I still suspect that early failure of these displays has something to do with treatment in handling or storage when the board is manufactured. My original screen failed within months of powering u the board... The replacement is coming up on two years without a single line (knock wood). I have an unused display stashed against future breakdown, but am wondering if I will ever need it.
My opinion is that it is a disgrace that Tascam doesn't offer free replacement screens at least for the DM4800 which was a $6,000 unit if I recall correctly. They CLEARLY mis-engineered this crucial part. Automakers provide recalls at no charge so why shouldn't a large pro audio company be held to the same standard? In my case, instead of spending $200 to only buy myself another unknown numbers if years with a new TASCAM screen, I ordered a 2seemy VGA/USB card and will be installing it in early September. It will always work and I can monitor on a 17in display, so it seems like a no brainer. I watched the installation video a few times and it really does seem easy enough, no soldering, and minimal disassembling of the DM4800. I already have a (loud) PC in my studio in addition to my dead silent Mac, so with a $15 VGA switcher I'll be able to use the monitor without the PC even turned on.
A KVM switch is an excellent piece of equipment to have in a multi-source to single monitor setup. I have 3 computers (2 x mac and 1 x win) connected to a 46" LED display / wireless kb and trackball - will probably get a 2seemy in the future, but not the card slot version as all my card ports are full. ;-)
Tascam didn't engineer the display... They buy it from an OEM supplier, which sells the same display to the company that makes a device for the US Post Office. It is hardly a disgrace, I don't think the 4800 ever cost that much, and automakers recall cars because someone might get killed.
will probably get a 2seemy in the future, but not the card slot version as all my card ports are full.
AFAIK, there is one version, which can be placed in a free slot or at the back of the mixer: It's a bit more vulnerable there, but normally it shouldn't be a problem.
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AFAIK, there is one version, which can be placed in a free slot or at the back of the mixer: It's a bit more vulnerable there, but normally it shouldn't be a problem.
Actually its not a different version of the card. It has the proper holes so you can either mount it along the top by the vents or over an empty slot.
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Tascam didn't engineer the display... They buy it from an OEM supplier, which sells the same display to the company that makes a device for the US Post Office. It is hardly a disgrace, I don't think the 4800 ever cost that much, and automakers recall cars because someone might get killed.

No, but it sure was Tascam's responsibility to test and qualify them and push to get any and all issues with the display resolved. If it is indeed the same display from the DM-24, it would be expected that the same problem would likely occur when used in the DM3200 and & DM4800. It's the kind of product issue that consistently keeps the Tascam brand in that mid to lower level Prosumer product category.
Actually its not a different version of the card. It has the proper holes so you can either mount it along the top by the vents or over an empty slot.

Yes, that's the installation I'd do if I got one. Touch wood, my screen is still good, and I go with the saying "if it ain't broke then don't fix it". :)
Yes, that's the installation I'd do if I got one. Touch wood, my screen is still good, and I go with the saying "if it ain't broke then don't fix it". :)
My 4 year old screen is fine (knocking on wood) and I got one just because it is so much easier to see, plus it looks cool!
I guess I'm an odd-ball too; my 2007 vintage DM3200's screen still behaves as it did when I got it in 6/09. I think this issue is sporadic, and as Jim opines, possibly due to QC inconsistencies from the vendor. There are options - 2Seemy, and Tascam supplied replacement.

Life happens; so does stuff. :)


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