OK I must be really missing something... I believe that I have read through everything here on Bouncing to record an effect so that I could free up my SEND EFF2 so that I could use another external effect on SEND EFF2, for use sending some compression to other tracks. I am using Delay to fatten up a vocal track. I recorded my main vocal on Track 5, then I cloned that track to Tracks 6 and & 7... I used and external effect (Alesis Nanoverb) set to Delay with a very short ms. I plugged the external effect into Effect Send 2 on the back of the unit, I then plugged my return effect into input C & D and set the trim nob to 1:00. I set the Send Master2 to 127 and the Send Eff2 on Tracks 6 and 7 to 127. I monitored Tracks 6 and 7 and had the desired Delay effect. I paned Track 6 full to the left and Track 7 full to the right. This gave me the desired thickening effect on my combined 5, 6, 7 vocal Track. My next step was to Bounce Track 6 to Track 8. I selected Bounce, set Track 8 to REC and selected Track 6 as my source. Since Track 6 was already paned full to the left I thought I would be good to go, so I pushed RECORD. On playback of Track 8 I could hear that I had the delay that I wanted. I then CLONED Track 8 to Virtual Track2 on 6 and 7. I played back Virtual Tracks 6 & 7 and couldn’t detect any of my Delay. Where am I going wrong..... Thanks