Cutting tracks


New Member
Jan 14, 2014
Gear owned
im trying to cut parts of a track i dont need, but every time i go in the jog function to find the spot and set the marks and select cut, it tells me I/O too short. is there a way to fix this problem

If you have say 0.2 of a second to cut the in/out points will be to close. What you can do is insert a section of silence. Say you insert 1 second of silence, now reset your in/out points for 1.2 seconds. The in/outs should now be long enough to make the edit. You remove the 1 sec of silence and also the 0.2 sec of material you wanted to cut.

Alternately, export the file to a PC and edit using software.

Thanks, ill be sure to try that out. if i was to export it to a PC, what software would you recommend
I dont do a lot of editing using software but I use Audacity or my very old verson of Cubase (it's about 10 plus years old - but does what I need)

Audacity is free if you want to try it. Just Google it.


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