DM 3200 and User defined machine control in Sonar x1

Nov 21, 2012
Calgary Alberta Canada
Gear owned
DM 4800 X 3, 9000SL
Hi all, its nice to be back! I'm trying to set up my Dm3200 as a control surface for Sonar X1 I'm not referring to the setup for using the remote layer but the one which Jamsire details using Cubase and the user defined layer to achieve machine control over the DAW and mix OTB. I've tried everything and cant seem to figure it out.
Has anyone accomplished this in Sonar ?
Do you mean using the DM3200 for transport controls AND
fader, pan, mute, and solo controls?
Yes and if i can use ACT learn to map some plug in control that would be great as well but for now I'll be glad to get the basic transport controls working ;)
On the DM3200 ALT REMOTE on the Machine Control tab you should have MMC for Sonar as the device in the Machine Control List on the External Control List you should have 16 MC for Sonar in the device list.

In Sonar, in Preferences-Midi-Control Surfaces, in the Connected Controllers/Surfaces you should have Mackie Control and Mackie Control XT in the table with midi ch 5 i/o and 6 i/o respectively. In the Control Bar, click on Controller/Surface Properties and click on Configure Layout. Turn the rotary encoder (pan) knob on channel 1 and channel 9 and the fader bank selection should appear on the DM3200 view screen.

I have my DM3200 set up with both X1 and X2 and have full transport control including jog shuttle with data wheel, 16 channels of two way fader, pan, mute, and solo control and indication of track armed (rec LED) on the board. I can also select the individual virtual controls on the channel strips using the DM's cursor arrows.

At one time I could use the locate buttons to move from marker to marker but have lost that function. I hope this helps.
Thanks for that, but please read my first post I am well versed in the use of the REMOTE function and how to set it up as you have described what I'm looking for is the setup which employs user defined layers which allows transport control of the DAW without using REMOTE which allows you to mix OTB as in have the sends from your channels in Sonar sent thru fire wire to the DM then use the DM to mix (OTB) but still retain transport control the DAW at the same time. Sorry for not being clearer :) and thanks very much for your efforts if you google Jamsire and user defined layers in Cubase he has a utube video of how he accomplished this in Cubase with a DM4800 unfortunately I cannot replicate it on Sonar he was a member of the old Tascam site hopefully I can track him down lol
Here I am! Again, sounds like a phone call resolution. I have Sonar, but not on my main computer which is attached to the console.
Thanks Jamsire, let me know what works as far as a time to schedule a call ;) I'm in Calgary AB Canada Mountain time.
Thank you so much for this information! We just bought a DM-3200 used and installed the FW card. We have Sonar X2 and I was pulling my hair out trying to get channels 9-16 setup remotely. Channels 1-8 was easy. I read the manual. Found another setup guide on the web, but none of them had anything in there about turning the encoder knob. It just said youch the channel nine strip to set channels 9-16 but nothing would happen! Anyway thanks to your info I have it setup now!! I wish there was a better tutorial about excatly what to do. I am still a little lost when it comes to routing. Do you know how to get the ADAT pipe to work? I have an 8 channel Digimax D8 preamp with an ADAT out I would like to have access to. I have it hooked in the ADAT in of the DM3200 but can't get any signal.



whittamps said:
On the DM3200 ALT REMOTE on the Machine Control tab you should have MMC for Sonar as the device in the Machine Control List on the External Control List you should have 16 MC for Sonar in the device list.

In Sonar, in Preferences-Midi-Control Surfaces, in the Connected Controllers/Surfaces you should have Mackie Control and Mackie Control XT in the table with midi ch 5 i/o and 6 i/o respectively. In the Control Bar, click on Controller/Surface Properties and click on Configure Layout. Turn the rotary encoder (pan) knob on channel 1 and channel 9 and the fader bank selection should appear on the DM3200 view screen.

I have my DM3200 set up with both X1 and X2 and have full transport control including jog shuttle with data wheel, 16 channels of two way fader, pan, mute, and solo control and indication of track armed (rec LED) on the board. I can also select the individual virtual controls on the channel strips using the DM's cursor arrows.

At one time I could use the locate buttons to move from marker to marker but have lost that function. I hope this helps.
@ Mrtepayne I'm glad you got your issue sorted but your kinda hijacking this thread please start a new thread and post any questions you have regarding routing lightpipe etc maybe refer to the FAQ's for proper posting etiquette

Cheers, D

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