Dm 3200 connection


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2014
Gear owned
Tascam DM 3200
Hello I’m new to the forum and the Tascam DM 3200/IF=FW/DMmkII

My current system as follows:

AMD FX 8650 8-Core Processor - 4.0 GHz – 16.0 GB RAM
64 Bit Operating System - Windows 7 Sp1
Pro Tools 10 & Sonar 8.5
Echo Audiofire 12 audio interface & M-Audio Midisport 8x8 midi interface
Power Play Pro 4-Channel Head Phone Distribution AMP
Yamaha MG24 Mixer
KRK Rokit 5 & 8” Monitor and 12” Subwoofer
Roland Fantom-2 Keyboard and Roland Groovebox

I wanted automation faders because I got tired of mixing with a mouse so after years of stalking mixers online I wanted the Tascam DM 3200/IF-FW/DMmkII and so happen my co-worker was selling his as he has gotten out of the music game and was stream lining his home studio, after hours sitting in his home, I verified it was working and it’s in excellent condition so I purchased it.

With my current setup the Yamaha Mixer is not automated – it was like a big router it made connection easy, actually straight forward. The DM 3200 is a whole different beast. I knew with my current setup replacing my Yamaha with the Tascam was going to be a challenge. So here goes, with the DM3200 will I still be able to use my audio and midi interfaces; the monitors seem to be straight forward but how would I hook up my sub; in Pro Tools 10 I see the IF-FW/DMmkII in the playback engine along with the Audiofire 12 but when I select it (with the volume turned down) I hear like a screeching noise coming out the speaker.

If anyone can help me with the connections I appreciated it, thanks in advance
Welcome. You're likely to get a number of differing opinions so take mine with the pinch of salt that it's worth :).
First up I'd suggest that you get the DM / PC combo working before you get rid of any of your existing gear - sometimes there are hair-pulling issues to get them sync'd.

For connections I suggest:
- Rokit 5s to the small speaker DM outputs
- Rokit 8s to the sub and into the large spkr DM outputs
- keep the Midisport connected to your PC (via USB?) and use one or two of the I/O for the DM (mixer MIDI and f/w card MIDI)
- DM aux 1/2 or 3/4 for your headphone amp
- Fantom into 2 of your DM line ins and into the Midisport and the same for your groovebox (if it has MIDI)

If that all works and is stable for a couple of weeks you could sell the Yam and the Echo......
^ oh dear, that's a missing feature - didn't know that :-(

So what do you DM3200 guys do for monitoring options?
For me - very unsexy but effective: Monitor out----->Power Amp.....>3 way switch box---->NearFields, 3" refs.....Sub.


As a good bit of kit for your monitors, if you are using powered monitors have a look at the Mackie Big Knob. I've got for one on my system and its a great central control for running your DAW DAT CD Headphones etc as well as multiple monitors which you can select individualy or have them all going!

It's a good solid tool, kind of what you'd expect from Mackie

Hope that helps

I built my own speaker selector, switching CTL RM out between my Tannoys and amp, NS-10s and amp and powered Avantones.
Small correction: the DM3200 has only one monitor output. :)

Well.. yes and no. Are you categorizing a monitor as a pair of speakers connected to your DM that can be controlled by a volume knob? If so then you can most certainly have two. I have my Mains who's volume is controlled by the CR (control room) knob and I have my Near Fields connected to the Studio Monitor outputs who's volume is controlled in the Monitor section (POD 4 controls it's volume).
Sorry for my delayed response as I had a death in the family so now I'm/family members are now getting back to normalcy .... I got the speakers to work and now my next hurdle is getting my Power Play Pro 4-Channel Head Phone Distribution AMP connected and working with my DM3200. Please advise.
Sorry for your loss....I know how much that sucks.
As for your headphone distro amp, you have a number of choices.

1) Most basic of all is to plug a stereo 1/4" TRS plug and "Y" adaptor into one of your headphone outputs to send Left signal into one channel of the amp and the Right channel into the other. There are pros and cons to this setup, like (con) your volume to the amp will be controlled by the Headphone volume (Phones Level) making you have to listen at the same level as your performers.

2) Another idea is to send a stereo mix out of the STUDIO OUT rca jacks. These are located above the 2TRK IN RCAs and, depending on your setup, will send the stereo buss mix (or AUX 1-2) out to your headphones. This is convenient if you are not using this output to send anything to a tape deck and it frees up the analog ASSN SEND outputs 1-2 for other stuff. you may need a pair of rca to 1/4" adaptors.

3) It's pretty common, though, to use the analog outputs named ASSN SEND 1-2 to go out to a headphone amp. You can either use the STEREO buss for this or AUX Send 1-2 buss.

Many people prefer sending the STEREO buss output over their chosen outputs for headphone use. This works well when you are using the "INPUT BYPASS" method of recording directly into your DAW. Using this method allows you to create a cue mix using each channels faders and sending it out over the stereo buss. Make sure the stereo fader is at unity.

Others prefer the AUX send method, which will create a separate mix from the stereo buss using the encoders. This is convenient if you record using the "DIRECT" method, or need the faders for a live show, but want to setup a separate cue mix for the performers.

If you want to send a mix out of the AUX 1-2 buss, set it up like this...
Go to your AUX buss layer. Bring AUX channels 1 and 2 up to unity. Select both to pair them. Leave them at unity.
Over on the right, below the jog wheel is a set of buttons for the encoder modes. Normally, the top one (PAN) is selected. Hit the second button down labeled AUX. Now, if you SEL the channel you want to send out over the AUX buss, you will see a red led under the first encoder. That is your STEREO Balance. The next encoder to the right will be your send level. Turn that up and you will start to hear volume in your headphone amp. This is also a great way to send individual channels' signal to the on-board effects.
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Thanks ..... I'm using option 3 so when I'm playing the keyboard I can hear through the headphones, but current projects and recording in Pro Tools 10 I not hearing anything coming through the headphones. Is something not set, please advise
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Yes, something is not set. Are you sure your headphones are not actually listening to your stereo buss? Bring your STEREO fader all the way down. Do you still hear your keyboard?
Typically, if you are sending a signal out through ASSN send 1-2, you will need to twist the encoder knob (1) clockwise to turn up it's send volume. And, your AUX 1-2 faders must be up at unity.
So, check that your DM encoder knob (1) is turned up on your PT return input channel.
TascMan I appreciate all the help, everything is working now. I can hear all my out board gear and Pro Tool 10 projects through the headphones. Now my next hurdle is Midi. I have Midisport 8x8 which connects USB to my PC. On the back of the DM-3200 I have Midi ports on the firewire card and on the DM unit itself. Now I'd like to continue to use my Midisport so what is the best way to use it in conjunction with the DM-3200. Please advise.
Long-story-short-reply: It depends on what you're doing.

The DM/Firewire-MIDI port tends to send data a bit faster than the other ports. So it's a good choice for triggering/sequencing/keyboard/controller work. But MTCode sometimes works more precisely with a dedicate MIDI connection, and this is one option available with your Midisport. However, HUI/MMC communications between the DM and PC are usually best left as direct connections - DM direct to USB/PC. You might want to experiment with that as well using the Midisport to see which delivers the most reliable coms.

I've found that Protools' iLok/USB portal has to be kept free of conflict; even though it may sit in a dedicated PC USB slot, it doesn't necessarily mean the internal communications will be solid. So, my advice is, locate the iLok where even the Apocalypse won't disturb it. :)

The 8x8 has the potential to hook up 128 midi devices. 16 devices on each port. Man that's a lot of midi!
I would use your DM usb conection as the midi port used for Tascam Companion (usb is required), MTC, and External Controller data. Use the FW midi for up to 16 different midi keyboards or external sound modules. Use your midisport for anything else. Many options here.
I use a Midisport 8x8 myself with USB to the PC, but I don't see what you want it to do in relation to your DM? Let DM USB take care of PC-DM MIDI data and let the Midisport take care of all other PC (synth) MIDI.
Thanks TascMan and Captdan but Arjan P its a connection issue as I see the DM has its Midi ports as well as the ones on the card. My Midisport 8x8 is connected USB to my PC but do I connect it Midi to the DM ports also?
I don't see any issue actually - I don't use any MIDI ports from the DM or the IF-FW. All important DM MIDI communication is done via the DM's USB to PC connection. You could use the MIDI IN/OUT from the firewire card as an extra MIDI interface to your PC, but it seems superfluous when using a Midisport already.
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Thanks just needed to know if it needed to be connected Midi wise since I saw the Midi ports on the back of DM unit.

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