DM-3200- Talk back


New Member
Apr 30, 2013
Gear owned
Tascam Various
Can any of you experts outhere help me with thi one.
I have a colleague who has a DM3200 and has run 2 cables from the AUX sends- one to a vocal booth and the other to a live room and would like to assign it so that artists can monitot against themselves and the return channel from the DAW.

Is this possible.

All help greatly appreciated
well, this should be already preassigned if I'm not wrong? I'm not at the desk now , but I do it like this.
I have layer 1 to be the m/l monitoring, and layer 2 the daw.
Than on the encoder section I press aux 1/2/3..(u can assign that(settings/preference) don't know exactly where)and than just rise the encoder for the channel you want to send to aux 1/2/3...You may need a headphone preamp for more musicians.
You monitor the m/l layer and send this signal to the musician(no latency), not the daw returns because of latency.
But If aux 1 is wired in the vocal both and aux 2 is in the live room, than u will be sending aux 1 only in the vocal both , and they r mono if I'm not wrong again :)
audiosafe6 said:
Is this possible.

First: +1 to everything r3writed wrote.
Second: How to achieve the perfect monitoring setup depends on what do you want to achieve.
1. Independent monitor mixes
2. One basic mix + "more of me"
3. One basic mix + "more of me" and "less the bass player"
4. Something completely different (Monty Python pun intended)
Thanks Guys,
I will give this ago.
Yo :Your help is greatly appreciated

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