DM-4800 and PT11


Active Member
Dec 14, 2012
Hello Folks,

Is anyone using the DM with the new PT11 software? Avid did a lot of design changes in the new software and something are "not supported" anymore. Like HUI, it may work they say, but its "as is" and not supported. Any of you guys tested this with the DM?

Can't understand why Avid would shoot themselves in the foot by dropping HUI support. One of the main reasons PT's market has expanded is because of Win7, and '3rd party' HUI enabled devices like the DM.

However, if it's true, I'll stick with PT10.

You could always download the trial version and see for yourself. It probably will work...just don't expect support or fixes related to HUI. Kind of stupid.
Another "strategic decision" to isolate the h/w options to the "friends" of PT? :rolleyes:

I've stayed on PT9 CPTK for a number of reasons (surround, more tracks etc). This adds weight to my plan to migrate to either Reaper or Samplitude. Thanks for the update on HUI.
Gravity Jim said:
"Shooting ourselves in the foot" has become a business model at Avid.

Given their history of the past decade, it's hard to argue with that. And yet, PT9 and 10 offer a few great features which, in my opinion, are excellent complements to the DM.

I'm leary of downloading a trial PT11 version to run on my studio's PC, though. Last thing I need is a corrupted iLok or some bacground demon to emerge, causing my stable V.10 to go south. :oops:

Again, on many website, including the avid DUC. Its written that it will/may work and that they have not intentionally broken or removed it. They will only not support it of fix if something is broken.

This will ben my first pro tools version and the new features of 11 are really great and seems to be a very good choice together with a DM. Just wanted to find someone who has succesfully got Audio AND remote running in 11.
henkmeid said:
Again, on many website, including the avid DUC. Its written that it will/may work and that they have not intentionally broken or removed it. They will only not support it of fix if something is broken.
What a chicken approach to selling one's product. "Ehm, listen, you bought our latest and newest, but not all of it may work. And we won't help you if those parts give you trouble. Just so you know.." Avid have reconfirmed my opinion about them.
I think/hope the will come back on their decision. A lot op studio's count on hardware which use the HUI protocol. They cannot afford loosing customers to platforms which does support it. Logic, Steinberg, etc.

Euphonix and icons are just insanely pricey and do not have I/O which is the beauty of the DM.
Hi everyone,

I'm actually running both Protools 10 & 11 with my DM-3200 and have no problem once so ever. The installation was very smooth and everything works great.

Always remember that hidden >>somewhere<< on AVID's site there are is a place where you can download legacy drivers for older controllers. You just have to put the drivers in the folder on your computer where the current drivers are installed. Also, since PT11 is 64bit, you can have both PT10 and PT11 on the same machine. Not an issue because they're two different programs.

Here ya go
As always, Jamsire's the Ptools man.

Thanks, Ernie!

PS: if you have time, a quick review of PT11 would be appreciated. ;)

Hi CaptDan!!

Plain and simple - if you're working successfully in PT10 - STAY THERE!! Keep making good music.

If you have a powerful machine with a lot of RAM and feel you "need" more power, than certainly upgrade to PT11 64bit. It's insane!! BUT.......remember, all of your third party plugins may not be 64bit yet, and then you will be mad.

1. Personally, I use the eq and compressors in the DM. That's why they are there, all 48 channels of them.

2. I use the automation in the DM - that's what it's there for. The HUI thing doesn't matter to me because I use MTC via the MIDI ports in the back of the DM, and just lock PT to the DM. Transport works just fine and I save all the automation with project.

3. I have three analog cards in addition to the firewire card, one card is dedicated to outboard gear. Another card is dedicated to summing out to my analog TL Audio Fat Track. Yummy.

4. I use the firewire card for the buss mixes coming out of PT10/11 into the board.

5. All of my synth stuff is primarily handled by my Korg Kronos 88 key monster going directly into the board, but my software synths are ALL 32bit AND 64bit. Komplete 9 and DCAM synth squad.

Just showing you how different my workflow is so I never feel obsolete, I do like the different metering options in PT11 and the offline plugin usuage - so if you have a track where there is no audio for a time (like a background vocal), the plugin is temporarily deactivated until the needed again, therefore saving CPU power.

There are many more. But - the more you use your DM, the less you'll feel you're missing stuff in the software.

There ya go.
Sounds as I expected - the biggie being potential plugin incompatibility with PT11.

Perhaps at some point I may consider the upgrade; but really, I don't need more power or tracks right now.

Appreciate the review - and as always - GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU!

Indeed. I will always feel like people don't use the power of the console enough and expect the software to do - EVERYTHING. I have the most powerful keyboard right now: 4GB ram, 30BG SSD, AND a 120GB SSD - and that's a KEYBOARD!!! So I have no issues with plugins unless someone comes over and needs to have Komplete 9 instruments in their sessions.

Again, that's just - ME!
"Again, that's just - ME!"

Like that old Jackie Mason routine:

JACKIE MASON (to his shrink): "Doctor! I don't feel like myself!"

SHRINK: Hmmm.... if you're not yourself, who ARE you?"

JACKIE MASON: "I dunno! I'm sure I'm not YOU!"

SHRINK: Well, if you're not you, and you're not me..who's gonna pay the BILL?"

Yep, I think jamsire has the answer - I have almost the same setup but with PT9 CPTK as the DAW, a Surround card in the DM, and a- + e- drums instead of synth. :D
Gary Stone said:
I can second that. DM3200 working perfect with PT11.


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