dm-4800 as a control surface


Sep 30, 2012
Gear owned
DM4800 and DM-24 and US-1641
Dear all!

I was wondering if it is possible to use the dm4800 as a advanced control surface incl. the ability to change the panning, eq, compression, gate, etc. on every 48+ tracks in a prepped cubase project not using the mixer routing/ etc.? I have a dm4800 mixer in my studio, but not at home. I want to take the recorded project home and finish the mix but I would like to take the mix settings I made with me. Buying a extra dm4800 or 3200 is not an option for me. Or are there other options I didn't think of?

Thanks for the insights!!

Kind rgards,

Yes. Bring the project session home, load it into Cubase, and perform all the changes manually with a mouse. :)

Or - you could invest in a 'smart' control surface - one that can access each and every adjustable parameter in your Cubase session.

It sort of gets down to that age old, unavoidable axiom: The Golden Triangle:


Pick any TWO sides. :)

Thanks! Although I appreciate your reply, that's not what I'm asking. I don't mind using the mouse and keyboard at home. I want to use the tascam dm4800 in the studio as a smart control surface so as to I can prep the recording/ mix while recording live in cubase and take these settings with me in the cubase project. And continue with the mouse/ keyboard at home for the final mix.

Thanks again!

Okay. The way you worded your question, it seemed a little contradictory.

Here's the deal in a nutshell:

Yes. There IS a way to enhance the DM(3200/4800) control surface to include 'deep' functions - plugin control; EQ; VST automation, efx, etc etc.
This is done with the User Defined Layer.

The bad news: I've never done it, so I can't give you the step-by-step. Ernie Jackson (aka: 'Jamsire') did a very good tutorial on YouTube, where he demo-ed this very thing. And, it was done with Cubase.

If you haven't already seen it, check it out. It may not help you specifically with your immediate intentions, but I think it'll put you on the right road.

I will look into that!

Appreciate this CaptDan!

Are there perhaps any examples (dm projects & cubase projects) of some sort flowing around?

Kind regards,

Wasn't there a place on the old forum board where you could post mp3's of your projects? Is there one here? HiJack not intended...
captdan said:
I don't know of any offhand; that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Perhaps somebody else might have an answer, though.


Watched the insttuction video you suggested. Very informative indeed! Great tip!

Kind regards,

TascMan said:
Wasn't there a place on the old forum board where you could post mp3's of your projects? Is there one here? HiJack not intended...

Isn't a slot for that here - yet. Perhaps our intrepid Moderators might provide one, though.

Weird story:

The last time I was on the old board was when I was uploading an MP3 clip of a DM mix I'd done. About an hour later, the website went down. For awhile, I wondered if it was my fault. :LOL:

Watched the insttuction video you suggested. Very informative indeed! Great tip!

Ernie J (Jamsire) is not only a talented musician and producer, but a walking encyclopedia of audio, ProTools, Cubase, and DM info. He teaches at a private college back east. Terrific guy; I owe a lot of my Ptools knowledge to him.

He pops in here occasionally; maybe he's reading this right now. Hey - ErnWAH! Howya doin?' :)

Jamsire is a great guy and he also is a professor teaching music technology (coincidentally at a college just a few blocks from my home). I'm sure if you PM him he will provide you with some of his wisdom.

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