DM 4800 with Pro Tools 10 time code issue

ray vanda

New Member
Dec 30, 2012
On Track Recording Studio
Gear owned
DM 4800 Digital Console
Hi Guys I'm using the dm 4800 with pro tools 10 Having time code issue

Everything seems to be fine except when I try to send time code to the dm 4800. When I playback tracks the computer freezes then I get an error message saying CPU usage is maxed out. If I turn off the midi 3 output port in pro tools it works fine Seems to be an issue between PT & the DM. I'm running windows 7 with an ADM 8 core processor & 16 gigs of ram. Any Ideas what it could be Thanks Ray
G'day Ray,

The CPU freeze is one of PT's special features ;-). You've come closer to identifying where the conflict lies than anyone else I've read (MIDI 3).

Can you run ok day to day with that port disabled?

Over to the W7 guys for more......
Hi Guys I'm using the dm 4800 with pro tools 10 Having time code issue

Everything seems to be fine except when I try to send time code to the dm 4800. When I playback tracks the computer freezes then I get an error message saying CPU usage is maxed out. If I turn off the midi 3 output port in pro tools it works fine Seems to be an issue between PT & the DM. I'm running windows 7 with an ADM 8 core processor & 16 gigs of ram. Any Ideas what it could be Thanks Ray

You should upload some screen shots of your:

1. DM Automation menu (that's where MTC is set)

2. Protools Session Menu (where the frame rate/drop/non-drop settings are made)

3. Protools Device/Peripheral/MMC/and HUI screens.

4. Protools Transport screen (to see how you've set MTC).

Good chance one or more of the above is cocked up. :)

These Are The Screen Shots From the DM 4800. In the TMC preferences I have MTC checked & midi 3 Selected. In Transport I have Dm 4800 selected. In PT setup in peripherals in synchronization I have mtc reader port set to any & generator port set to midi 3 and in midi controllers I have HUI 3 ports set to 5-6 -7 When I start playback time code runs for 30 sec then time code display starts to hesitate then stops & PT freezes. When the midi port 3 is disabled PT runs perfect. It seems like the 4800 cant keep up with the data transfer


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If you're sending MTC to Ptools, you need to load the MTC Generate option in the HUI control menu. Then, you must DISABLE the TRansport 'button' in the HUI Emulate setting. That should solve the sync problem.

But you should know that you'll NOT have the DM's REcord button available. (For tracking and editing, it's best to have PTools send MTC. That's a separate topic.)

Since you didn't include the requested Ptools menus, it's hard to say if there's anything missing. But the main thing is you'll need to ENABLE the TWO BLUE BUTTONS on Ptool's Transport. They will blink and you'll see the message: "WAITING FOR SYNC.'

Let us know if that helps.

I just found an older message concerning the two ways to set up MTC between 'Tools & DM. It includes some tips about automation as well. Cut/paste:

First - the tracking/editing setup: (based on a DM3200; for a 4800, an additional HUI extention is required.)

1. In the 'Automation' Menu, tick the MTC/USB3 box.
2. Choose 'HUI/Emulate' in the MMC Menu; check the TRA button.
3. In Protools, set up the Peripherals as shown in the attached screen shot.
4. Again in ProTools, enable the BLUE button on the PT transport: GEN/TimeCode

In this scenario, the DM will receive MTC from PTools and display it on the meter bridge and/or TMC's meters as desired. Also, full access of all transport buttons and Function keys (along with the CTRL key if required) is available.The DM RECord button is functional as well. Ptools will respond to those commands, as well as any other HUI device ('Tranzport' etc) that's been installed.
Now - for DM Automated mixing:

1. Choose GENerate INternal in the DM's MMC menu
2. In the Automation menu, choose INTernal MTC
3. In Protools, DISable the blue MTC Generate button on the transport
4. On that same transport, ENable the two blue SYNC buttons (they should flash)

At this point, Ptools will receive MTC from the DM, but the DM's RECord key is non-functional. Also, the REWIND button's behavior will revert to a 'film-style' behavior - ie - it will rewind at slightly faster than play speed. But there IS a workaround and it works very well!!.............

You'll notice there are numerals around the DM's command keypad. These are for
jumping instantly to anywhere on the time line. Markers are set in the DM marker menu - which allows up to 10 numeric place markers to be set. In an automated mixing scenario, appropriate markers might be: RTZ (00:00:00), Verse #1 (maybe: 25 seconds in), CHORUS (insert number here), etc etc. With 10 unique marking points, it's simply a matter of punching up a pre-set - from #1 - to #10, and jumping immediately to that part of the track.

Finally - the DM's automation TIMELINE and Ptool's START time must agree. If, say the Ptools start is 5 seconds in, then the DM's MTC mark should ZERO out at that point. This is necessary, because if - in the future - you come back to remix the piece after completing subsequent projects, the start time has to be in sync for the automated file to perform as expected.
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One last thing: when you set the blue sync buttons in Ptools' Transport, be sure the "MTC Generate" button is DISABLED!! Having that enabled with the two sync buttons will definitely cause PT to s&&t the bed! That results in session halts and warnings (contentions) which have nothing to do with the problem.

Im unsure what you mean when you say MMC menu, im not sure how you get to it from the dm3200. Thanks to anyone in advance.
'MMC' (Midi Machine Control) is accessed through the DM(3200/4800)'s REMOTE KEY. It's referred to as EXTERNAL CONTROL (ie: for sending/receiving commands from an outboard device - DAW, recorder, etc etc).

The MMC/Remote menu features a list of PROTOCOLS, such as: "Steinberg," "HUI Emulate," "Digital Performer.' Depending on what DAW (Digital Audio Workstation - ie: ProTools, Digital Performer, Cubase, etc). Generally, you choose the protocol matching the DAW being used.

Rant time:

I realize many new users have acquired their DM3200/4800s on the 2nd hand market for stupid money. Perhaps the bargain basement investment leads some people to conclude that things like instruction manuals are unnecessary because - hey - anything you buy for $900 can't be too hard to learn, right?

Wrong. DMixers are complex, powerful devices. And their manuals aren't necessarily the easiest to understand. But, in order to utilize these devices to even 1/2 of their potential, users MUST LEARN THE TERMINOLOGY! If you have no idea what 'MMC,' 'Peripherals,' or any of the other terms mean, then get busy and start reading!! Even if you don't comprehend much of the operation manuals' instructions, you CAN learn what the functions mean. This will help when communicating problems to members of this forum.

You can't learn to fly a plane if you don't know what a 'Joy Stick' is, and you will never get your heads around the DMixers if you don't spend some time gaining an understanding of its basic design. Download the relevant manuals (Firewire, HUI/MMC, General Operation), pour a beer (or something stiffer if that's your thing) and get busy.

We're here to help; but first - you have to help yourself. Otherwise, that $900 investment will cost you $200 when you unload it on another person too stubborn to discipline themselves to learn the basic terminology.

Questions? Flames? I can take it. o_O

No flames. More like a second to the motion.

When I got my first computer sequencer (and you wanna talk about confusing, it was a used copy of Emagic Notator for Atari ST), I couldn't understand the manual because I had never been exposed to MIDI before. So I got a copy of Anderton's "MIDI for Musicians" and read it until the Notator manual started to clear up.

If you don't know the basics of how your gear works, you will never get good results with it. Learn the terminology, and also learn some audio basics and some digital basics, too.
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Im sorry about the noobish question, i am and have been a sound engineer for a few years now, and never came across that before, but i really appreciate your help captdan! and thank you :) I bought my tascam 3200 brand spanking new, I wish it was $900! That does sounds like a steal for what it is. But yes i will have a good read through the manual it came with and keep working away at it. with that, along with this great forum, and great people such as yourself im sure ill be up and running in no time. Very much Appreciated.
Hi Darryn,

I didn't mean to come off harshly; apologies if so. (I got my 'Curmugeon Trophy' after turning 50, so I tend to dust it off occasionally. ;) ).

Simply put, the DMixers are hybrid devices - controller and mixer. Some folks use them strictly as either one or another; aka: 'In-The-Boxers' and 'Out-of-Boxers.' But then, some folks come from an analog background (a very good thing, BTW) and aren't acquainted with the subtler terms and features involved. Confusing as they may be, the manuals are - at minimum - a good starting point.

In any event, if you run into problems let us know.

Hey Captdan, haha, No not at all, i understand your point exactly, i always try to understand as much as possible before asking people such as yourself. Its been awhile, but i went away to europe and have been itching to get this started. Im going through methodically ' step by step' on your instructions listed above, and step three has confused me. its states: "In Protools, set up the Peripherals as shown in the attached screen shot." however there is no screen shot, so i am unsure how to proceed.
It's been awhile, so let me clarify: are you using a PC or Mac? If Mac, I can't help.

However, you're right; I forgot to include a Protools Peripheral screen shot. But again, that's for a Windows machine. If that would help, I'll make that screen grab and send it to you later today or tomorrow.

Please let me know.


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