DM3200, PT9, MTC, Different time code


New Member
Dec 18, 2012
Gear owned
dm 3200
I've got small problem with time code....
I have dm3200 with IF/FW-dm mk2 and IF/SM-DM (all equipment has the latest frimware) connected to mac pro (OSX 10.6.8 2x2.4 quad core 8GB 1066MHz DDR3)
DM3200 is connected with mac via USB (i use midi and hui protocol <midi port 5,6>) (i've got TMCompanion V1.70) and firewire cable to IF/FW-dm mkII (i use 16 i/o and second midi)
I use Protools 9.0.2 and 9.0.6
Everything works perfectly until i decided to use mtc time code....
I have correctly configured protools session and dm 3200...
Protools is MTC master generator (connected to midi dm3200mtc port 3 )
master time code in PT is 30nd, frame type in dm3200 is 30nd in sync source i can see 30nd frame type....
i see time code in pro tools and on mu-1000 but... when i hit play and after some time stop (doesn't matter 5 sec or 3h) i always have different time code about 2 or 3 frames between... (protools 00:03:15:06 MU-1000 00:03:15:08)
why? :( is it PT delay compensation ? or should i set up some kind of delay in protools or dm3200 ?? why in TMCompanion i can't see dm3200 mtc code as at MU-1000?
I tried with every available for dm3200 frame type and nothing. still got 2 or 3 frame differences between pt and dm...
Thanks for any help
Well, I can tell you that this issue isn't restricted to PT. I experienced a 2-3 frame variation with Cubase (SX3) as well.

What's happening is, the two devices are in sync; but when you stop the transport, the DM's MTC rolls on for a few extra frames before it parks. So, you'll most always see a few frame discrepency between PT's transport and the DM. No solution I've found, so I just ignore it.

On a related note, have you done an automated mix with PT9 yet? If so, you'll have to change some things around. I addressed this in a recent post; if you need particulars, let me know.


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