Does anyone have the Tascam M-16?

Larry Smiley-El

New Member
Nov 12, 2012
Gear owned
Tascam M-16
I am having problems with getting outboard gear connected to my M16. Here is my set-up:
Custom built PC-64bit 3.1GHz Intel i5 Quad on an Asus MoBo, 8GB DDRAM 1333, dual 1080p monitors (Quadro FX1700), Win 7 Pro;
I'm running Pro Tools 10 in and out of the ProFire 2626 connected to the M16. I am running audio through the board just fine and the sound out of my Yamaha HS-80Ms is tight on the bottom end and crisp and clean on the top. Recording is fine and accurate all the way up to 192kHz 32Bit-float.
Because I'm in a less than desirable environment I need to add my BBE 482 Sonic Maximizer and I need to add a compressor into the system for vocals and output to mastering CD recorder.
The problem is I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the signal into these processors and then out in a way to monitor the affected audio.
Each channel has 2 Aux Send/Receive sections and then ther are two global stand-alone Aux Send/Receive sections. I need the globals. The back panel is easy enough to understand. I understand the concept of send and receive and I pretty much know where my signal is in the board. I cannot get the signal into these processors and back into the board for monitoring. The processors do work as intended. I just moved the studio to a bigger place and finally got all the cords and snakes and the ProFire and is having a hellish time getting it all wired
Hi Larry I have a M3700 32 ch mixer-board with a M-Audio 2626. Pro Tools 9 and a MS 16 Analog recorder.

I am not sure I understand your problem . For compressing vocal – Bass etc and so it should be connected in the insert ind the channel ! (patchbay)

The BBE 482 Sonic Maximizer should be inserted in the master section not the monitor section,

you have near field monitors so bad acoustics ind the room will not effect your judgment !!

Best Regads

Troels Nyborg

Voxphonia Records

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