DP-24 question. No sound/levels


New Member
Jun 5, 2016
Gear owned
I have a problem with my DP-24. When we plug in any input with anything (microphone, electric/acoustic guitar, electric guitar on H) there is absolutely no audio. We can't hear it and it doesn't even register on the meter. Just nothing. Worked before although have not used it in a couple of months. Any ideas? Thanks.
Are you using the same cable when you try? Did you try with multiple inputs connections?
Cmaffia...yes and yes. And we tested the patches with another amplifier.
Yes they are assigned. I even went to the manual quick start section and set it up exactly as they say and still nothing.
I assume the factory reset didn't fix the issue either. Not well versed in this product but if you've done everything you should and it still isn't working, you may need to send in for servicing. Have you called Tascam support to get their assessment?
are the assigned track record buttons lit?
JimM yes they are. I have done the reset on "Preferences." is that the only reset? I would think there would be a hard reset to set the entire device back to default.
I already provided you with the procedure to restore the factory settings. There is nothing else as per the MANUAL.

Do any of your old projects play back? Does the unit output audio or is it just the input that you have a problem with?

Again, have you called Tascam tech support to get their assessment? You're either missing something simple (which Tascam should be able to determine) or you need your unit serviced (which Tascam should be able to determine as well).
No. No audio on anything. Will call Rascal today. Thanks for your help.
Sounds like a hardware issue then. If the unit is out of warranty then more than likely the distributor is going to tell you to call Tascam for servicing.
i have the same issue, did you get the problem sorted ???
I'm having the same issue with my DP-32SD. No input levels(no meter). No playback from the "Demo" song (meters move, no audio). I am using an aftermarket adapter with matching specs. I'm also noticing that the unit shuts down after turning on Phantom power. I have read the manual and watched the Phil Tipping videos. I have not attempted to upgrade the firmware.

Has anyone ( @Orphan or @mikey bee ) found a solution for this issue?
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If the unit shuts down when turning phantom power on, I would suspect the power supply.

Reading all the above comments, no one ever mentioned that the record button must be pressed to hear the input to the track. Alternately, the input has to be assigned to the stereo bus to hear it. In any case the Stereo fader must be up.
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Thanks for the reply @-mjk-.

As for track input, I've confirmed proper assignment, record button, stereo fader levels, and followed Phil Tipping's VERY DETAILED walkthroughs for possible missed steps. Still ZERO sound :-/

As for output ... I can load and play the Tascam "Demo" song and see all of the individual track meters as well as the master L/R levels displayed on the screen with sliders up, but no sound. Tested with multiple working headphones, multiple line-out cords, and monitor systems. Tested all monitor/bounce settings and those outputs as well. Basically, I've been unable to get the unit to produce or recognize any sound -- kind of like a bad sound card on a computer.

As for my after-market adapter, has anyone experienced "sound card" issues, or phantom power issues without the original (TASCAM GPE248-120200-Z or TEAC PS-P1220E )?

Still hoping @Orphan and @mikey bee found a solution.
Still hoping @Orphan and @mikey bee found a solution.
KSHAY, both are "fire and forgets". Neither has been seen on this forum since making those 2016 posts. Guess we'll never know.

As for my after-market adapter...
Why aren't you using the power supply that came with the unit?
(The OM has a big "CAUTION" to "Never use" any other AC adapter. The PS-122 is a "switching adapter" - it has a higher power conversion efficiency and is more complicated than a linear power brick). Are you absolutely sure your after market power supply is exactly the same and built to the same standard as TASCAM's?

As to your production issues, we can't diagnose easily based on what you've written so far.

Please list/number, one by one, the exact steps you're doing (even the simple/obvious ones).

The issue you're having is user error, absent some type of hardware failure (such as might result from using an unauthorized after market power supply).
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Thanks @Mark Richards! ... I'm hoping it's a user error. I'll post my steps and settings this evening.

My original power supply is missing. I'm currently using a 12V, 3.0 A, correct tip adapter. My research is showing the original is a 12V, 2.0 A. I'd like to replace it with the original adapter, but I'm having a tough time finding it online. I find many that are compatible with the TASCAM GPE248-120200-Z. Which also raises the question of WHICH one of these is correct. The SPEC SHEET (https://tascam.com/us/product/dp-32sd/spec) for the dp-32sd lists the TASCAM GPE248-120200-Z, while the owners manual (https://tascam.com/downloads/products/tascam/dp-24_dp-32/E_DP-32SD_OM_vC.pdf) lists the TEAC PS-P1220E.

TASCAM GPE248-120200-Z:


None found

Is there a correct one, or are both valid?
I'd like to replace it with the original adapter, but I'm having a tough time finding it online...
TASCAM GPE248-120200-Z:


Is there a correct one, or are both valid?

To be sure of which one you need, the Owner Manual that came with your unit will identify the correct power supply. Or you can contact TASCAM support either by phone, email, or through the web site. Support can identify which power supply you need based on your unit's serial number. But if I had to make a SWAG, it's the P-122 for units sold in the US/Canada, and the other one for International units.

Where to buy? This is where the Search Engine can really be a lifesaver.
There's very little about these units that hasn't cropped up at one time or another. Found this for you (posts #2 & #3):
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Update on power supply
According to page 4 of an old service manual I located,

AC adapter (TASCAM PS-1225L) old model
This is a typical power brick. One cord to unit, one cord to wall outlet.

AC adapter (GPE248-120200-Z) new model
This appears to have a single cord with the power module integrated with the wall plug.

Both appear to have plugs specific to certain countries or regions.

So much for SWAGs
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