DP 24SD and Mix-Minus


New Member
Sep 23, 2015
Gear owned
Thinking about DP-24
Hi there,

I do V/O work, as well as some podcasting. In my current setup, I have a mixer, a few nice mics, as well as some other line sources routed into the board. I was recording to the computer, but there always seems to be one noise issue or another.

I have a Zoom R4N, and recording directly to the SD card is pretty sweet, sound-wise. However, I discovered the DP-24SD tonight, and it seems as though I can use it as a mixer, with the ability to record to an SD card (eliminating the Zoom). It seems like I can even use my external effects as well with the DP.

Here's my question. In order to use SKYPE for calls, I have to setup a "mix-minus" (so the caller hears everything going into the board except their own voice. On my mixer, this is accomplished by turning down the AUX for the channel that has Skype. Is there some way to accomplish this using the DP24-SD?

I sure hope so, as it would really allow me to upgrade my rig 9along with adding multi-track capabilities if I ever need them).

Thanks so much for your time. Cheers!

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