DP24-SD freezing

Karl Brandt

Active Member
Aug 31, 2018
Gear owned
My DP 24 has been freezing/locking in mid operation. Several times it was after a Mixdown (it would not then go to Mastering) I have to unplug, replug, restart.

I have current Firmware and the SD card has been in use for over a year, and is about 1/3 full.

Any similar problems/suggestions?

Karl Brandt
Sorry to hear you're having trouble with your DP-24SD. My first thought would be, not based on any previous experience, is that although the card may be operating properly, there may be an area of the card is being accessed and getting hung up and casing the Portastudio to halt its operation.

I would back up the card to a computer (as soon as possible) and possibly try formatting it. Then copy content back to it and try again. At best, try another card to see if that keeps DP-24SD working.
Didn't you have similar issues in 2018, 2019, and 2020? How did you resolve them back then? I'm wondering if there might be an underlying cause.

Look in the "Equipment Related Tips" sticky thread index for SD card issues and how to address them.

If the cause/solution isn't in that sticky thread, then take Tom's advice; or export the tracks for each song to a computer and import to a new TASCAM tested/approved SD card.
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Try running the 'delete unused' function on the song (Menu, Song). Not running this regularly is a common cause of lockups, especially if you do lots of retakes or punch-ins. Note that it will also delete the history for that song so make sure you're happy with the current state before you do it.
Just for interest, before you do this, take a look at the song folder using a computer. If you see hundreds of ZZ files, this is an indicator that 'delete unused' will be beneficial. (do not delete them using the computer though!)

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