I've had my DR-40 recorder for several months and like it very much. My friend just purchased his from an on-line vendor and I've been trying to show him how to use it. My recorder built-in mics are all silver, his mics have a red ring around them. His menus are not the same menus as mine. I checked the Firmware build and mine was 2.4 while his was 1.5. I looked up how to update the firmware with the idea that bringing his machine up to my version would probably fix the menu so we both see the same thing with the same menu sequence. While checking, I found my firmware needed an update to the latest version, 2.5. I downloaded the latest and did the update on my recorder. Easy-peasy. I then did the same sequence on his machine and the upgrade failed. I can't remember the error message and I didn't write it down, but it said the update failed. I tried downloading the zip file and decompressing it again, and then going thru the update process. Same fail message. Are firmware updates cumulative and inclusive of all intermediate versions? Is the failure due to the large gap between 1.5 and 2.5? Tascam has the 2.4 still available and I tried that one as well - no go. Anybody have any ideas on this?