I just saw that version 2.1.0 of the Android app DR Control has been released (March 7, 2017).
Did anyone try it? Any feedback?
As well discussed here in the past, last November update of DR-22WL firmware together with DR Control app was catastrophic and caused the recorder to crash often when controlled through the wi fi (!) Then new release of firmware was made available in December, but I hadn't been brave enough to switch on again the wifi on my recorder yet, after a I lost a full concert record early December... (£%&@#!)
Today I browsed a lot (Tascam web site both US and Japan, as well as Google Play...) to look for a change log of the DR Control 2.1.0 and all I found (in Japanese, this is the Google Translate version in English!):
- Internationalized part of the UI (Languages supported: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified))
- Improved stability of motion
I'm wandering if it is worth upgrading the app or not... (since it is not possible to downgrade on Android phones, at least not following standard methods...).
Thanks all, bye.
Did anyone try it? Any feedback?
As well discussed here in the past, last November update of DR-22WL firmware together with DR Control app was catastrophic and caused the recorder to crash often when controlled through the wi fi (!) Then new release of firmware was made available in December, but I hadn't been brave enough to switch on again the wifi on my recorder yet, after a I lost a full concert record early December... (£%&@#!)
Today I browsed a lot (Tascam web site both US and Japan, as well as Google Play...) to look for a change log of the DR Control 2.1.0 and all I found (in Japanese, this is the Google Translate version in English!):
- Internationalized part of the UI (Languages supported: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified))
- Improved stability of motion
I'm wandering if it is worth upgrading the app or not... (since it is not possible to downgrade on Android phones, at least not following standard methods...).
Thanks all, bye.