Eq and dynamic changes wont record into nuendo


New Member
Feb 5, 2013
Gear owned
dm 4800

I am running the dm with the firewire card. Channels 1-8 wont record eq and dynamics when recording into nuendo( eq changes will come thru the studio monitors but wont record into nuendo. Channels 9-16 will.

This is the set up
1-8 input M/L
9-16 input external preamps set to adat in

Output 1-8 buss/direct ...but ... when I have it set to this there is hardly any signal so I set it to Input bypass m/l. and get good signal....I dont know if the dm is damaged but when set to buss/direct the signal level is not usable.

output 9-16 is set to buss/direct and the eq/dynamcis work and will record to the track in nuendo. I dont what the problem is

I want to eq tracks with the dm and then record the performance in nuendo. It will work with the adat in tracks but not with the channel 1-8 M/L

Actually, I don't know why people prefer to print eq/dynamics to raw tracks. It may sound fine in the early stages of production. But, after all tracks are up and it's mix time - suddenly there's mud, crud, & bloom everywhere. Then what? You're forced to apply surgical measures to repair what shouldn't have been broken to begin with. I firmly believe in most cases (not all; there are exceptions), it's far better to record tracks DRY and NONDESTRUCTIVELY. This allows free, REVERSIBLE experimentation through out the process.

That said - if your 9-16 buss/direct settings are working for you, look carefully at the 1-8 outputs. Push: ROUTING/OUTPUT SLOT (3rd tab on bottom.) If you don't see buss/direct in those channel boxes, select 'em, and change 'em accordingly.
Also, be sure the Bus/Direct button is pushed for all faders routed to your DAW.

PS: Input Bypass - the preferred method of routing signal to DAW - bypasses EVERYTHING in the channel module: Efx, Eq, Dynamics, Fader Levels, Gates, Pans, Attenutions, etc etc. It patches the DM preamp (or whatever source chosen) directly to the FireWire cable and out to your DAW.

Actually I dont print eq/dyn that much..... I just want the option with the board.
Can you answer this... when 1-8 is set to input bypass in the output tab 3 I get great signal...recording into nuendo....when I change it to bus/direct so the eq will record to nuendo the signal is almost not there......not usable. The busses are assign correctly.....dont know what the deal is... Have you heard of this before?

The setting are the same 1-8 and 9-16....the only difference 9-16 is adat in

Are you absolutely sure the Bus/Dir light is on for all the selected channels? What you're describing indicates something along those lines; if Input Bypass sends a strong signal from the source, and the fader modules/busses don't, then something isn't routed right.

Just for grins, try setting the 1-8 inputs like your 9-16 channels - with ADAT-in.

You should probably take some TMC screen shots of your output and slot output routing screens then upload them here. If we can see what's going on we may be able to discover where the problem lies. I'd guess there's nothing wrong with the console - especially if you're experiencing this issue with 8 inputs.

shelby said:
Can you answer this... when 1-8 is set to input bypass in the output tab 3 I get great signal...recording into nuendo....when I change it to bus/direct so the eq will record to nuendo the signal is almost not there......not usable.
Not only must the 'direct' button be on for each channel, but you also need the fader high enough to create output to the DAW - and check all channel dynamics. It's important in this method to switch the channel display to Post Fader for those channels (also to prevent overloading the signal into the DAW).

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