Jarno said:Depends on what you are using your Finalizer for. But in any case just use the physical connector you want: ADAT, SPDIF, analog (ASN SND/RET). Then create an INSERT routing for your chosen connector pair in DM's ROUTING screen. And finally assign this insert scheme to any channel, buss or stereo.
Apogee Rosetta 200? Isn't that an A/D D/A converter? So what is it's purpose/role in your mastering process? Im confused here!cmaffia said:Rosetta 200 for the mastering process.
captdan said:I'm not familiar with the Rosetta. But - assuming its connections are - say - ADAT:
Rosetta's ADAT outs are physically patched to the DM's ADAT-ins. Those inputs are routed in the DM - (via: Routing/Input/Insert/Terminal Select-ADAT##) to DM Stereo Out. This assumes that you've chosen the DM's Stereo Bus as the final output back to Cubase. You can, instead, choose a stereo bus or - perhaps - two other stereo channels as the destination, but I'm not really savvy on that option, and how to monitor the results without getting a feedback loop.
In any event, the same patching method would apply for any other input format - TDIF, analog (Assign - send/return), SPDIF (#1 or #2), etc.
Disclaimer: I hope I didn't leave something out; if so, Jarno will correct me, I hope.
OMG! John Apogee has created his own sexy term for something known as "normalisation" and found on every signle DAW starting from the birth of the DAW consept.cmaffia said:Apogee’s “Aptomizer”.
Which they have licensed to almost every plugin and/or DAW manufacturer (including Steinberg, Waves, etc).UV22HR
No matter how good realtime SRC they have implemented, you would get better SRC using high-quality (even free, like SoX) offline tools. If you don't believe me, ask Harry Nyquist's or Claude Shannon's opinion ... oh wait ... you can't ask them anymore.Sample Rate Conversion
Maybe true for a Yugo ... But I used to own a Talbot Horizon (known as Dodge Omni and Plymouth Horizon in the US), with which bigger the hammer, better the results.captdan said:Depends on the car. If it's a Yugo, a sledge hammer's unnecessary; by the time you're at the point when it's needed, nothing's left of the car to 'fix.'.
Jarno said:OMG! John Apogee has created his own sexy term for something known as "normalisation" and found on every signle DAW starting from the birth of the DAW consept.cmaffia said:Apogee’s “Aptomizer”.
Which they have licensed to almost every plugin and/or DAW manufacturer (including Steinberg, Waves, etc).UV22HR
No matter how good realtime SRC they have implemented, you would get better SRC using high-quality (even free, like SoX) offline tools. If you don't believe me, ask Harry Nyquist's or Claude Shannon's opinion ... oh wait ... you can't ask them anymore.Sample Rate Conversion
Anyway ... if you want to use your Rosetta for mastering even though there are equivalent (or better) tools inside your Cubase and/or freely available, you should definitely connect it with digital I/O:
1. Choose ADAT or AES I/O and hoo it up to your DM using the one you selected.
2. Create insert routing for your chosen connection in DM's ROUTING/INSER and assign this this insert to STEREO.
3. Route STEREO back to youd DAW and record the result.
Look at the following pictrue:cmaffia said:I have NO idea how to user the INSERT ROUTING feature .