Hello. Where would questions about a Tascam CD RW 2000 disk burner go? I tried a search and came up with nothing. Could it be that no one has ever had problems with one?
There isn't a forum for CD machines. But don't worry, most people scan all of the unread messages so this will be seen. If I think of a better place for it, I'll move the topic.
@-mjk- I once suggested that the "DV-RA1000 and DV-RA1000HD Recorders" be renamed to "TASCAM Stereo Master Recorders", when I was looking to post about an old DAT-deck. It may still be a suggestion for these odd (and old) machines..
@-mjk- I once suggested that the "DV-RA1000 and DV-RA1000HD Recorders" be renamed to "TASCAM Stereo Master Recorders", when I was looking to post about an old DAT-deck. It may still be a suggestion for these odd (and old) machines..
In that case I would suggest 'Tascam Other Stereo Recorders', otherwise it will become a cluttered subforum with all and everything in it.. Plus, it's already under the Digital Equipment header - and there is also a multi-channel recorders subforum.
Maybe even leave out the 'Other', since it would be the only subforum about stereo recorders under the digital equipment header. So that would be "TASCAM Stereo Recorders", with a subtitle like "High Resolution Master Recorders, DAT-recorders, CD-burners."