FW 1082 and Windows 7 64 bit...

Michael Penner

New Member
Jun 27, 2013
Gear owned
Hello to all. This is my first question as being a new member here. I'm sure its been asked before, but I've read so many conflicting stories regarding the FW 1082 that I couldnt find a solid answer...
What I really NEED to know is the FW 1082 going to be fully functional with the Windows 7 64 bit platform???
I've had it working with my XP set up for some time and I was wanting to upgrade to a faster and "dedicated" recording computer, but I can't seem to find any tangible evidence that the unit behaves and if its interface is fully functional with Windows 7.
If not, I guess I may just have to revamp the ol' XP and add more ram, power supply, extra hard drive, replace fans, etc. You get it right??? For the price of all that I could basically buy a new computer...hence: the upgrade!!!
I appreciate any advice and look forward to your replies!!!

Kind regards

BTW: I'm using my FW 1082 with the Cubase LE version that it originally came with it.
Please don't laugh!!! I'm still learning new things in LE all the time and that's what prohibits me from upgrading. That and the fact that I also record on my Yamaha Motif XF8 and my new tascam DP 32. I still want to get more comfortable recording on the computer that's the main reason I want the FW to work with the new computer. I don't want the FW to turn into a doorstop!!!!
These forums seem to me dead???
I couldn't see purchasing another Tascam product with this sort of support.
And the Tascam DP 32 I recently purchased is going back for this very reason.
From what I've read lately, it seems as though I'm not the only one with these feelings...
Sorry Tascam, our relationship is over. I do hope things improve, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Welcome. Remember, this is a user forum. It has nothing to do with Tascam the company. Tascam support is an entirely different subject.

I did not reply because I don't have a 1082. I have a 1884. We are all lumped together on a Firewire forum. Perhaps you will still get someone to reply.

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