FW-1082 with Sonar x3


New Member
Mar 27, 2013
Gear owned
fw-1082 and 788
Hello all, it's been a while since I've made a post.

I've recently (finally) updated to windows 7 64 bit, and have sonar x3 running, but not working with my fw-1082. I've set my 1394 port to legacy, and installed the 1.80 driver (win 64bit). Sonar sees all of the fw-1082 drivers, but it won't set it up as a control surface.

Has anyone had any luck with fw-1082 with sonar x3?
Have I forgot anything to do for setup (ie. the above processes already tried)?

I haven't tried the "FW-1082 Sonar Plugin Installers - Sonar 64 bit installer" yet (I will tonight), but I'm not sure if that is the ticket or not.

I know the 1082 is old, but I love the automated faders, etc.

ANY feedback at all would be greatly appreciated.

thanks guys,
You have to install the Sonar Control Surface Plugin.
Just had a look at the Tascam site and the plug listed: fw1082_Sonr_install_x64_1_01, has a date of 2007.
I don't think that's the right one!
You could try the fw-1884 plugin, v1.22.
Just create a system image before you install so you can get back if it doesn't work.
Tutorial here: http://deeringamps.com/fw1884/index.htm
Thanks so much Tom, I really appreciate your response.
Your bang on, it was that plugin.
I don't remember needing that before, but that was the ticket.
I tried tonight, and it works great.
I'm so relieved.

Hi Tom, I installed fw1082_Sonr_install_x64_1_01
It's on the bottom of the list on their site (the downloads area).
It setup the profile (in sonar) for the control surface, and after that it worked great.

thanks again,
take care,

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