Man this board can be frustrating. I am still struggling with this and wondering if the board experts can assist - have attached routing screenshots.
Very simply I have a 2 track DAW session, one track has recorded audio going to Output 3 (Slot 1-3).
I have then connected an external processor to Send 4 on the DM3200.
As per the screenshots, I have routed Slot 1 track 3 to the ASN SEND 4.
I am getting signal into the processor and I can hear the effects.
However this is where I am stuck - on my 2nd track in the DAW, which is set to receive line input 10, I get no incoming signal on the DAWmeter, yet when I raise the gain knob on input 10 it increases the volume of the track playing. If I press record I get no signal into the DAW.
But on the meter bridge, there is signal coming into channel 10.
The only way I get any signal going onto the track is by setting track 10 in the Output Slot to Slot1-3 (see final Output Slot screen) but this doesn't seem right.
I know I am missing something but I cannot get my head around what should be a pretty standard thing - ie, using an external processor to process audio after it is recorded. Problem is, although I can hear the processing and even hear it in the overall mix, I can't be sure what I am hearing (duplicate track?) and why I don't seem to be able to route it properly.
Any help would be really appreciated even if you have to state the obvious!