hello from the netherlands

donald de ronde

New Member
Oct 12, 2014
Gear owned
DM-24, MX24/24
hey, everyone,

i'm a newby from the netherlands and recently proud owner of a dm-24 and mx2424, both are nos items i'm soon going to use. will start to build in the next few weeks finishing the studio and hope to be operational beginning next year. in the mean time trying to learn how things must setup correctly. hoping for some knowledge from the pro's.

thanks in advance!

the netherlands
dm-24 & mx2424
Welcome! This forum is like half Dutch :)
Hi, Don. Welcome to the forum! I used the same setup as you for years (DM-24 + MX-2424). You should be able to get some great sounds once you get up to speed.
Welkom en veel succes gewenst van een Nederlander in de VS.

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