Help with Tascam US-1800


New Member
Aug 3, 2015
Gear owned
Tascam US-1800
Hi guys! Greatings from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I come here today with a problem with my Tascam US-1800 interface. I've bought it, i think that 2 years ago, and everything was working fine, i've done a ten track demo for my band and we use it for recording rehearsals in our estudio several times and everything was working normal until a couple months ago it started with some issues when recording several tracks. We normaly record rehearsals in 4 tracks (a mix of vocals from the console, bass, guitar and a condenser mic for the drums) and we used to record 3 hours straigth and it was just fine but a couple months ago it started to pop up an error and stop recording. It says "Error recording: Recording too much tracks". Has anyone run into the same problem? I went to the official service here in Buenos Aires and they say to me that i have to pay around 50/60 dolars only for them to open it and look around so i thought that before going into that i would give a shot with you guys and maybe you can give me a hand. Here i upload a screeshot of the error, its all in spanish but i hope it can give you an idea of the problem.

Anyway so the deal is, should i go back to the service or its some configuration problem?

Thanks in advance for everything you could say to me about this problem!


I am wondering if this is more of a PC/Cubase issue rather than an hardware interface issue.

First thing I would do is make sure you have your US-1800 ASIO buffers set correctly. Maybe you lowered them by accident.

Second thing I would try: Download Reaper for free and see if you have this issue with another DAW. If you don't have an issue with another DAW it would point to your Cubase audio device configuration.
If you have an issue with Reaper too, then it would point to your buffer settings which I suggested you should try first.

Even better if you could try your interface on another computer as part of your tests. If you have this problem on another computer with the correct audio device settings including buffers, then it might be a hardware issue... but I am not sure about that theory as this is a Cubase error message above and that tells me this is a software issue.
I agree with cmaffia: it doesn't sound like a hardware issue. Have you recently updated the OS on your computer?
Sorry you guys but i forgot to mention a really important fact. A couple weeks ago we went with my band to a venue to record a live show and we took my interface and a friends notebook to do the recordings. Up to this point i thought just as you mention before that it must be a cubase issue or something like that but when we arrived and start recording with another computer the problem persists and it totally screwd up the recordings.

The notebook of my friend has the exact same version of cubase and he also has the exact same tascam US-1800 in his studio and he records everything normally. So thats when i realized that it must be a problem with my interface.

Maybe i could still download another DAW and give it a shot and see if the problem persists but after using it with another computer (that usually uses a tascam us 1800 and have no problems with it) i supossed that the problem must be with my interface. What do you think?

(Also my friend has recently record a live show with his pc and his interface and everything went totally normal so i highly doubt that he may also have a configuration problem)
Well in that case, the next step I would do, if possible, would be to borrow your friend's US-1800 and try it with your environment. That would be the final test to determine whether or not this is a hardware issue.

Curious to see if it does the same in Reaper though as well.

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