How to solo in control room without impacting the performer


Oct 6, 2012
Gear owned
This has been a quest for me for years with the DM.
I had posted numerous times in the old forum, and Tascam apparently addressed the issue in an update.

I still have been unable to implement the solution.

I'm looking for a way to be able to solo a channel in the control room without impacting the performer's monitor mix from the "studio" output.

It should be simple, and on my previous mixing board, it just worked.

A simple example: I'm recording a vocalist and I want to hear just the vocalist soloed in the control room without changing what the vocalist is hearing.

This seems like a very basic necessity in the recording process.
I'd given up on it, but with the new folks on board here, I think somebody might have an answer.

Re: How to solo in control room without impacting the perfor

There are more ways to do this, but I use the ASN1/2 outputs to the headphone amp, create a mix for the performer(s) (usually inherit the basic mix I have in the control room) and adjust seperately if they want 'more me' or more reverb or whatever. Make sure to use pre-fader for the sends, so your action on the faders has no impact on the phone mix.

The above is useful for a single overdub, when live tracking a band I use ASN1-4 as mono sends to the performers, thereby having four separate 'more me' mixes.
Re: How to solo in control room without impacting the perfor

Thanks, that is a great solution for future projects.

The problem is...
I'm in the midst of several projects with saved scenes for mixes.
Probably over a hundred scenes that I'm accessing.
Changing all of those would be very time consuming.
Not good for me to be doing this when clients are waiting.
I'm often using 60+ channels.
That's a lot of tweaking for the individual cue mix.
Not to mention reverb and effects to the cue/studio mix.

For now, I'm looking for a way to just have the studio mix the same as the control room mix... but with transparent soloing in the control room.
The performer shouldn't hear any difference when I push the solo button.

Re: How to solo in control room without impacting the perfor

With over a hundred projects using 60+ channels, how did you cope before? Anyway, if you're using the 'studio' outputs now and they mimic the control room outputs, there's no way to get this to work unless you first create a difference here: the studio outputs should get their source somewhere else.. See manual p.54 and on.

There may be a way to do something in the DAW you use, but it would still involve sending the solo'ed channel to the control room only and not to the studio outs..
Re: How to solo in control room without impacting the perfor

I think you misunderstood my numbers.
I have about 4 current projects and I save numerous scenes for each one.
Looks like 112 scenes that I would have to tweak.
I'm getting along fine without this particular solo ability, but my old mixer did it automatically and it would be nice to have.

I'm still seeking a solution.
Re: How to solo in control room without impacting the perfor

You can select your solo button to be just like any old que button.
Option -> Solo -> Exclusive Solo

I don´t think these options are affected by snapshots, but I might be wrong.
If the artist gets his monitoring either an aux send or the main stereo, he should not be affected by your queing on the control room output.

Hope it works for ya :)
Re: How to solo in control room without impacting the perfor

I'm still seeking a solution

See above pics, go to "monitor" screen, for studio output, choose the upper option which is now on Aux1-2, change that one into "stereo out".
Might be that you have to change this in all your snapshots, there isn't another solution. Best way to give the performers a cue mix, use AUX1-2.

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