I am back!


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2012
Casper, Wyoming
Gear owned
Hi Everyone....who is still here...LOL It has been awhile. My studio is back up and running, but now it seems 6 of my SX-1's (I have 8) are not running. Quick question....Has anyone sent theirs back to Tascam? or contacted them about it? I know by now they are definitely legacy pieces....but I want mine back up and running.....

Any help is appreciated.
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tascam is not much help for this unit ... my last attempt to deal with them was my LAST attempt to deal with them ...
my (only) sx1-le is still running great (14+ years) except for the lcd screen ... i will deal with the lines on the screen until a better option has arrived, it seems the many screen repair/replacement options availiable are frought with troubles (i.e. self repair, new one too expensive and not fitting properly, not plug and play, etc).... i put a picture of my dog over the console screen and use the video output on an outboard lcd monitor, it works great ! ... at some point i may try one of the options just to have it fixed but it is not a priority

good to see you back

Merlin of SX, you make me feel better. I have several Tascam pieces of equipment but not 8 SX 1s. I love that machine. It’s a masterpiece. I hope you can get all of them working. Call Tascam and ask. It won’t hurt. Good luck and Happy 2020.
There has been no service at Tascam in L.A. since March 2013 when Gibson bought them, and laid off all of LAFS. It all has been outsourced to two "board swappers" who charge an arm and BOTH legs, and are entirely clueless about the SX-1. That being said, I have various PCB assy. that were pulled from working units.
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Hey dude, and hey all...Welcome back Merlin....just wandered down the rabbit hole and huzza here we are...been a working Engineer since 79, but wow this SX-1 is still what it is, bang for the buck the Best thing...I mean think about...so far ahead of its time in all aspects, all the editing capabilities ...I have to cross over to various different software programs constantly and the Tascam folks were light years ahead of the competition for the consumer..anyway we all love it thats we we still wanna keep them operating.....Merlin you were always at the forefront of multiple SX use and nice to see ya back working again...Cheers
hey merlin

where is the facebook sx1 page ? .. only found the tascam site
Merlin my friend! Wonderful to hear from you! I will always be indebted to you for all the assistance you gave me in my time of need. Sadly, both of my SX 1’s bit the dust and I went to Pro Tools AND I HATE HATE HATE THAT INFERNAL CRAP!!!! Many thousands of dollars later I have yet to record a d*mn thing other than scratch guitar tracks. How I miss my babies....

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