I'm thinking about buying a power supply on eBay, there are also motherboards available in various conditions.., I could probably get both used for under $100...but if those 2 parts are NOT the issue, I have no idea what cards are working/non-working...I read somewhere on the "old forum" that there are lights on one of the cards that indicate if ALL the cards are working (I could be wrong),,,the card with the lights has only one lit...if I was too even be able to locate the cards, I'm not sure how much they would cost or if that would resolve the problem(s)...
and, of course there's that pesky issue with both LCD screens about to die...I guess I'm hesitant to spend what I don't really have and not be sure of the outcome...
HOWEVER...in the meantime, I AM working on my new CD and have not "weakened"...I have all of the click tracks and scratch tracks recorded, as well as most of the drums, bass, keys and pads...it's not the same using just one SX, but I'm plodding along...I just keep my fingers crossed that my working SX can be coaxed through the entire project without the other proverbial shoe dropping...it does do some strange things lately, which I won't get into...
as far as the future goes, I've been thinking of purchasing a board that will allow me to be in both the analog and digital realms...some of the boards I've been looking into are VERY expensive...some are reasonable, but I haven't seen any of these in person, so I have no hands-on with any of them...and have no clue which would produce the most professional results...
I was hoping that someone (or two) SX users had some parts they didn't need or an SX they weren't using anymore, so I could at least temporarily resurrect my fallen unit...even if I get the unit up and running, I wouldn't open my studio up to the public because I would be scared to base my studio on the SX without the support and parts that were once readily available...
it's a sad and maybe even a cold way to look at things, but I'm not a computer expert and have only limited skills when it comes to trouble shooting the SX...so, I can see myself moving on at some point...unfortunately, that point seems to be coming sooner than I would have thought...
anyway, the MX-2424 seems to have it's share of problems and the X-48 doesn't get much support from what I've been reading...
any suggestions???