I can see clearly now!


Oct 4, 2012
Gear owned
2 SX-1 LE+ DVRA1000 CD-01U
I deleted my post because no one else seems to share in my enthusiasm and it felt a little awkward having it there without any replies :(
at least some of you read it...
oh well, maybe everyone really is gone...
not going soft watchdog...just frustrated and disappointed...I'm using one SX and even though it's not the same as having two, I have to make due right now...I really can't afford to have my sick/dead SX repaired or even buy any parts (which it may or may not need)...so, it waits in SX limbo, for who knows how long???
anyway...thanks for caring...
Hi "lonely" Wolf. You are by far not alone. That we are silent doesn't mean we are not out there. We are. Read my introduction to this forum a few days ago. It might brighten your day. Btw I have read many of your posts in the past.
sorry if I'm so down about this, but I had the 2 SX's set-up and my studio was finally open for business and I had to shut it down for at least the foreseeable future...I had a few clients lined up who I had to cancel and that's NOT a good start to getting the word out there about your business....especially in such a competitive market...and I FINALLY had become comfortable using the SX...
now, even doing my own projects, I don't have the extra 16 Tracks that I was dedicating to drums/percussion/bass and FX...it was a great way to work and I could have ALL the Tracks on BOTH SX's playing at the same time...now, I have to track the drums in a separate project and mix them down before bringing them into the actual project...this is an OK way to work, but it's time-consuming and not as professional...it's hard to gauge the drums/etc. when you can't hear them in context with the rest of the tracks...
it took me years to get to the point where I had my studio built, 2 SX's, all my outboard gear, computer/software AND the knowledge and skills to use them all correctly...it was a long and expensive process, so, it's like I took several GIANT steps backwards and now I'm NOT able to justify all the money spent when there's no money coming in...
I'm thinking of getting another unit like an MX2424 or X-48, but that won't be for awhile and I'm not certain that's the direction I want to go...as far as fixing repairing the sick/dead SX, I'm not really sure what's wrong with it and the only shop that can fix (or try to fix) it is super-expensive and maybe not worth it...or I have to ship it to Tascam in CA and that's also very expensive...if I can swap parts out myself for cheap and test the unit, part by part, I would be willing to try...not knowing what the SX needs is the problem...if a used SX came up on eBay for cheap, I might buy it, but that will also have to wait...
I also think there's a lot more wrong with the SX than just the power supply...I think the motherboard and cards are shot also...I could be wrong, but I DID watch it die, one function at a time...I also need new LCD screens on BOTH units...
I'm in no position to buy parts for the SX when they may or may not fix it...
again, if I'm a little down about all this...sorry
but, thanks for trying to cheer me up...
PS: if anyone has spare parts for really cheap. please let me know...
Hi Wolf. PM me with a complete description of the problems you are having.I am a SX-1 SE owner,(trying to sell it), and have serviced them since they were first introduced.If I can help resolve your problem-I will.
Dear Brother Wolf-Man,
I sent you a PM regarding possible assistance for you from RedBus.
I also contacted RedBus this morning.
I am posting his PM reply to me, below.
Apparently, he is not really in a position to help, but RedBus (Tom) did in fact work on the SX-1 project for Tascam, and he probably knows more about the machine that anyone. The following is from him, posted with his permission:

I was using my personal SX-1 at least once a year on a recording gig, but since I moved house last year, it just sat on its stand in my office, not wired up. Just last week I took it down and stored it against the wall. I don't think I'll get rid of it, but it's not going to get much use.

The problem is age and parts. TASCAM guarantees parts and service for 7 years past the end of sales, and the SX-1 is way past that now. There are no power supplies or faders, we've been recycling old broken units for years, but we're out of those completely now. There's basically nothing we can do for an SX-1 sent into Los Angeles now as well, our chief expert/service guy has retired and the replacement has no SX-1 knowledge.

3 years ago, my advice for any SX-1 owner would have been - use it till it breaks, then move on...
I know people want to keep things familiar and maintain them like an old car, but we've kind of hit a technology wall in the last decade where it's out of our hands whether replacement parts can exist or not. (I have a '68 Datsun Roadster - still possible to get parts for that)

I'm still in awe that we even created the SX-1, over a million lines of source code and that huge chassis that rivals the analog mixers that TASCAM used to make.

So my best advice is, keep looking on Craigslist for a spare unit. I don't think I could part with mine though...

RedBus (Tom).
I'm thinking about buying a power supply on eBay, there are also motherboards available in various conditions.., I could probably get both used for under $100...but if those 2 parts are NOT the issue, I have no idea what cards are working/non-working...I read somewhere on the "old forum" that there are lights on one of the cards that indicate if ALL the cards are working (I could be wrong),,,the card with the lights has only one lit...if I was too even be able to locate the cards, I'm not sure how much they would cost or if that would resolve the problem(s)...
and, of course there's that pesky issue with both LCD screens about to die...I guess I'm hesitant to spend what I don't really have and not be sure of the outcome...
HOWEVER...in the meantime, I AM working on my new CD and have not "weakened"...I have all of the click tracks and scratch tracks recorded, as well as most of the drums, bass, keys and pads...it's not the same using just one SX, but I'm plodding along...I just keep my fingers crossed that my working SX can be coaxed through the entire project without the other proverbial shoe dropping...it does do some strange things lately, which I won't get into...
as far as the future goes, I've been thinking of purchasing a board that will allow me to be in both the analog and digital realms...some of the boards I've been looking into are VERY expensive...some are reasonable, but I haven't seen any of these in person, so I have no hands-on with any of them...and have no clue which would produce the most professional results...
I was hoping that someone (or two) SX users had some parts they didn't need or an SX they weren't using anymore, so I could at least temporarily resurrect my fallen unit...even if I get the unit up and running, I wouldn't open my studio up to the public because I would be scared to base my studio on the SX without the support and parts that were once readily available...
it's a sad and maybe even a cold way to look at things, but I'm not a computer expert and have only limited skills when it comes to trouble shooting the SX...so, I can see myself moving on at some point...unfortunately, that point seems to be coming sooner than I would have thought...
anyway, the MX-2424 seems to have it's share of problems and the X-48 doesn't get much support from what I've been reading...
any suggestions???

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