IF-FW/DM ASIO not appearing in Cubase 7.5


New Member
Oct 18, 2014
Gear owned
I recently picked up a DM3200 with a IF-FW/DM (Mark I) card and I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on on a problem that I'm experiencing.

I cannot get the ASIO driver to appear in Cubase 7.5. The FW card is recognised on the DM3200, and also on the desktop (I can see it as a FW attached audio interface. Having said that, I cannot get Cubase to recognise the ASIO driver. When I go into device setup, it does not list the Tascam ASIO driver as an option. I have tried copying the ASIO driver directly in however it does not load up in Cubase.

I'm running Cubase 7.5 on Windows 7 Pro 64-bit. Has anyone come across this problem before?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Your problem simplified:

Sell your MKI card and get the MKII. There are always users of DM24s interested in MKI series cards, so it won't be a complete loss.

I could go into further detail (and you can search messages too), but this is old news, and the fastest way to express it.


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