if-fw/dm mkII startup quirks


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
Gear owned
Trying to set up a connection between dm 3200 and a PC. Both things seem to detect each other. However upon updating, the installation stopped at 5% and timed out, the board is still stuck on system update mode. I need to know if its alright to turn off the board and what exactly went wrong with the update. I really hope its not because I'm using windows 7. Also this is the first thing to my knowledge that will updated so far. This might be more of a firewire issue than board issue?
upon updating, the installation stopped at 5%

What were you 'updating?' The firewire driver? Or DM firmware?

I really hope its not because I'm using windows 7.

I hope not too. Exept for Mac users, almost everybody else on this forum uses Win7 PCs. And - as fate would have it - with no known problems whatsover.

This might be more of a firewire issue than board issue?

No way to know unless you clarify your question. More clarity = better answer. :|

I remember that updating firmware from Win7 didn't work a few years back when I tried. I had to use a WinXP box with the same IFFW driver version as the DM firmware (so not the latest), and then it worked.

But as the capt says; more clarification is needed for a fitting answer.
Yes - I recall that issue as well.

Come to think of it, when I first got my DM, I'd updated the firmware with the PC I'm writing this on now - a 'vintage' Win-XP machine. So, I was spared that problem when I upgraded to Win7.

That said, I think there may be a way to firmware update with Win7 alone; it might have to be done using the 'XP Compatibility' function. Worth a try.

as of today I solved all of my firewire issues. I updated the firmware through a mac instead of win7. Everything else was signal flow issues. thanks!

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