Import export issues and audacity

Steve O'Kane

New Member
Jun 29, 2017
Gear owned
Tascam dp 32
Hi Folks, just sharing something I discovered. I'm a beginner, and had hassle exporting edited tracks from Audacity back to my Tascam DP32. Audacity ONLY gave a choice of 16 or 32 Bit; I went for the better quality 32 bit of course, and Tascam then said "cannot import", as I had set that to 24 bit, and it likes to match the bitrate.. Well, dangly doo! I blundered about,.... and in Audacity saw another option "Other Uncompressed Files". I wondered what it was,,,,and there, hidden under that heading,... is 24 bit!
Why oh why it doesn't appear when you get offered the 16 and 32 options I will never know. And, to be fair, even the Mighty Phil Tipping was kind enough to thank me, as he was unaware of it too! Why WOULD you look there? So! If you choose "export as wav" you can now go to "Other Uncompressed Files" and then choose 24 bit. If you choose "export Multiple" it seems, better still, to open a box defaulted to that option every time, (I have since also discovered, Phil.) . If like me you are on the "quest for the best", I hope that is of some help to you, if you were unaware of it too. And Can someone please shoot the guy who did that at Audacity, as it caused me hours of grief! And I prefer a Shiraz if you are that grateful......... Keep up the great work! If Mark Richards finds this is "news" perhaps he can add it to his pages.
aha!! Well well. I am using.......quick check......nmm.........aaarghh!! 2.2.2.! Ah well; I still might have helped a few people like me with not quite up to date Audacity! Thanks for the update Phil, and of course Mark. Even so, it is still odd that they took until 2.3.3. before it was noticed. I shall update my version forth with and fifth sixth! . There go all these bottles of Shiraz I had been looking forward to.......Thanks Phil :) And Mark Richards.
Thanks, Arjan.:)

Audacity 2.4.2 (Released June 2020)
"File/Export/Export as WAV" has a "Format Options" box (center bottom of screen) below the "Save As Type" box. The "Encoding:" drop-down allows Bit Rate selection. The same options are available under "File/Export/Export Audio" and "File/Export/Export Multiple".​
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