Importing Tascam .wav files into DAWs

Philip Martin

New Member
Jul 22, 2020
Gear owned
DR-40 DP-008EX DP-32SD
Hi folks,
This is my first post. I have a Tascam DP32-SD and I am very happy with the quality of the sound. No complaints whatsoever. I am open to correction but it seems to me that the machine might not be so useful to me where I want to 'sculpt' the sound more closely, hence the thoughts about potentially using automation in a DAW (any DAW ) to achieve what I want.
Does anyone else out there drop .wav files from the machine into a DAW in the way I suggest in the thread title or can anyone point me to a thread where this is discussed? I'd rather not invest any money in an audio interface when I have this fantastic Tascam machine but I only have very short windows of time in which to record as I'm a carer for my wife and as I'll be 53 soon, I can see the clock ticking down and there's twenty years of toons I want to record, so...can anybody help a brother out?
P.S. I was thinking of trying Reaper as the DAW.
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You posted in the "About" section of the forum (purpose: news about changes to the forum, etc.). So your post has been moved to the DP-24/32/SD forum.

The "New Member" thread in the sticky (i.e. pinned) section on the first page (at the top of the sub-forum) provides some basic but important information about using your portastudio, and will point you to tons of good production and equipment use info in the other stickies.

A D.A.W. is just one more tool in the toolbox. Reaper (small fee) and Audacity (free) are reasonable choices. Frankly, I produce professional recordings using only my DP-24 and some external hardware (Beatbuddy; TC-Hellicon G-XT; Digitech RP360). I haven't yet found a compelling reason to make use of a D.A.W. program. But others have, so it's primarily a matter of personal choice, IMO.
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