Hello everyone. I just purchased a DP32 SD in June, and I'm still attempting to learn about this recorder. I have had a Tascam 788 for years (still own it) but stopped using it when I got into Cubase. I play keybords in a local cover band (Korg Kronos and Karma on stage rig) and have about 10 keyboards in my home studio.
I have spent a lot of time in the last few years buying plugins, upgrading my computer, changing interfaces and such, but hardly any time writing music. As soon as I start to put ideas together I stumble onto a new soft synth, or an update to Cubase comes out or any number of things that takes me away from just being creative.
I'm hoping that this new Tascam will get me back to just laying down tracks and maybe recording the band some as well.
I have spent a lot of time in the last few years buying plugins, upgrading my computer, changing interfaces and such, but hardly any time writing music. As soon as I start to put ideas together I stumble onto a new soft synth, or an update to Cubase comes out or any number of things that takes me away from just being creative.
I'm hoping that this new Tascam will get me back to just laying down tracks and maybe recording the band some as well.