Here are my experiences with a 4 year old Win7 PC/2.8ghz Intel6300, 8 Gigs Ram: - PT10:
Must always use Safe Mode 1 - buffer 1024 for everything above 44.1 (which I don't use for my own material but that of folks who I do outside work for.)
96kz - my SOP these days - requires at least 1024, and sometimes 2048 for more
plugin intensive material. Otherwise, I get stutter/glitch/pop-junk. And this is with the latest FW driver.
Perhaps the motherboard/throughput architecture of my PC (a custom, game-enabled box) isn't robust enough for lower buffer settings, but I've learned to live with it. All my analog tracking is done monitoring on the DM, so latency isn't a problem there. Certain percussion samples are more challenging to sequence at times, but that's what editing is for.
Bottom line: I'm considering a different type of PC upgrade; perhaps a powerhouse server in the near future.
PS: Nice to hear from you Ernie!
Dan G>