Mackie Big Knob and DM3200 connection


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2014
Gear owned
Tascam DM 3200
I saw the demo in the store and purchased it. I have all the speakers connected and from my DM3200 I have the Stereo outs going into the DAW Output on the MBK but I'm not hearing anything. So is there something on/in the DM that needs to be set or I have it wrong on the MBK. Please advise.
Why would you get that when you have that functionality built into the DM? Do you need to hook up more than 2 sets of speakers to your DM? That's for losers who don't own a real console :-)
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I agree with Charlie - most functions of the Big Knob are already on the DM.
But, since you have it: from the picture at Mackie I see you need to connect the DM Stereo out to the DAW Mix Input of the Big Knob. The DAW output is an output FROM the Big Knob to DAW.
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CMaffia I don't now about the loser aspect as I do have more than 2 sets of speakers so it made my rig easier and thanks Arjan P I figured it out as everything seems to be working fine.
CMaffia I don't now about the loser aspect as I do have more than 2 sets of speakers so it made my rig easier and thanks Arjan P I figured it out as everything seems to be working fine.
This was a joke. Was calling out those who haven't bought a DM console yet.
Yes. A controller monitor can still be useful. I have several sets of monitors being fed from two different systems (the DM and another completely isolated DAW for ITB writing and production) so I use an SP monitor system. The big chunky one I forget the name off hand.

Anyway what was the issue? Curious. In your initial post it looked like you had two outputs connected to another output pair. Was that the issue? It's good to document the resolution for future readers.
Yes. A controller monitor can still be useful. I have several sets of monitors being fed from two different systems (the DM and another completely isolated DAW for ITB writing and production) so I use an SP monitor system. The big chunky one I forget the name off hand.

Anyway what was the issue? Curious. In your initial post it looked like you had two outputs connected to another output pair. Was that the issue? It's good to document the resolution for future readers.

Yes I figured it out right after I posted my problem so everything is working fine now
This was a joke. Was calling out those who haven't bought a DM console yet.

Sorry for my delayed response but you had me going to the mirror looking for an "L" plastered on my forehead .... lol

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