Tascam refuse to answer my request for ROM chips ..
(I have fatal errors on my two TM-D8000's )
I had thought to get a double ROM set burned somehow, but can't get hold of a chip.
I have a double Soundscape 32 system (6 TDIF @ 48 audio trax) and shall probably sell that in its entirety at a huge loss, because I don't feel confident of Tascam support (or complete lack of it) and shall never buy another Tascam desk in my lifetime..
I had thought of replacing my Tascam 8k's with a pair of Yamaha 02r's fitted with Tdif boards, as Yamaha continue their support for the 02r, and I need machines that work every day, all day.
Unfortunately, I think that the only relief you can get (like me) is to scrap the desk and sell parts on e-Bay. A desk with fatal errors is only worth the value of boards and odd parts (If you can sell them at all.) Sorry...
(anyone here who disagrees with this sad state of affars, please inform me otherwise.)