Thanks Charlie. Good find! I wonder if Tonepad is still on the forum...
It seems the first idea from that post was to pull the FW card and air blast the midi connector, and clean/cycle the connector with a midi plug. I'll try that this afternoon.
The second idea, which I found by our troubleshooting, also seems to work, but feels like a workaround...For me the message appears immediately when the board does it's initial lights/faders test after turning on. Specifically, when I first throw the switch, I see a normal blue screen with the static "TASCAM" and the notes/staff image. But as soon as the screen goes to the sliding TASCAM display, and all the lights test and go out, that's when I see the MIDI Rx framing error. As discussed on the phone yesterday, quickly tapping the RECALL button, just to the left of the CF Card slot, gets rid of the error message, allowing me to do everything I need.
With the error message out of the way, I did what Tonepad did from that old post back in 2012. I created and stored a new Project on my CF Card, which included opening the virtual MIDI IN (MIDI IN since the framing error is labeled as Rx (receive) and not Tx (transmit)) connections on the MIDI page . This did the trick!...kinda...
Now, when I turn on the board, I still get the message as described above, but then the board loads my new project from my CF Card automatically, and the error goes away and I am back to normal.
Since the board is reloading a project from my CF card, and not internal memory, could this be an issue with my internal memory?
I have a few more tests to do. I would like avoid the several hundred dollar shipping cost and the several week time away from my DM if I can.
Big thanks to Dr. Cmaffia (Phd. in Electronious flowisious) for helping me yesterday. I'll post with more results.....If anyone has some ideas, please post.