Model 12: Monitoring Ableton with all inputs in use


New Member
May 25, 2021
Gear owned
TASCAM Model 12
Hi there,

I've had my Model 12 for a while and I still can't get my head around whether it's feasible to avoid sacrificing two channels with this setup:

I have all 10 channels in use (5 stereo synths being fed into 1+2, 3+4, 5+6, 7/8, 9/10) and want to be able to run them all into Ableton Live. However, in order to monitor Ableton Live's output, I have to switch the stereo 9/10 channel from Live to PC. When I do this, I lose access to the synth that's plugged into 9/10.

Is there any way to feed all 10 inputs into Live while also monitoring Live itself through the Model 12? Or am I always going to have to sacrifice 2 channels for Live? It seems like an oversight that there isn't an option for a stereo PC monitor mix into the master or something.

I have a Focusrite interface but I don't really want to plug my speakers / headphones into that and lose the ability to just use the Model 12 as a standalone unit when my mac is off. But that sounds to me like the only solution unless I want to devote 2 channels to PC monitoring. Please tell me I'm missing something obvious!
I don't use the Model 12 as I have another brand console. I monitor the playback of each track individually on the console. I monitor the tracks I'm recording in the console. I understand what you are saying but it sounds like you are using the DAW master bus for monitoring. That will always take up 2 channels of something to monitor. If you have your DAW routed 1:1 tracks-to-console channels, then you can just bring up the tracks on the console and monitor on the control room section of the console.
Thanks - I think because of the way I use Ableton, I won't be able to have a 1:1 mapping - I normally have more than 10 tracks on the go and so I think just running the Model 12 into Ableton and then monitoring everything via the Focusrite is the way to go, which is fine - just wish I could use the Model 12 as an interface too as that's half the charm of it.
I know nothing about Ableton, but if it wouldn't allow me to do that I would ditch it, lol.

On another forum I wrote about how with Reaper you can use the grouping and busing in the DAW to achieve higher track counts that your console will normally allow. You have to use a combination of in-box + out-of-box thinking to get it to work.

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