Mx 2424 - compatible hdd models

English Billy1

Active Member
Jun 15, 2016
Gear owned
Hi, Tascam doesn't appear to provide a list of compatible hdd's any more (for reasons fair enough) but has any member compiled a small list of those models the 2424 will address without workarounds..?
I am thinking of ordering another refurbished cheap-ish scsi drive - it is close to the ideal spec - for the original internal.. 9Gb, 7200 rpm.. etc: anyone used one of these successfully without a pc to massage it into working..?

Quantum XC09LO11 9.1 Gb, 7200 rpm ultra 160 3.5" hdd...? Quantum XC09 L461 (same specs)..?

English Billy : desperate to find a drive!!!
Good idea, when I get a chance I will go through my drives that don't give trouble and jot down the numbers.

Generally all U160 drives work well and most seagate drives with model numbers ending in LW, are under 72 gig, are OK.


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