My 4800 keeps losing communication with my Mac


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2013
Gear owned
DM 4800
This is something is starting to concern me. If I do some work in the studio, leave it alone for a while and then go back to work on a project. Often times, My DM 4800 will not respond to my computer (play audio files, DAW, Maschine, etc). I have to restart the computer to get the party started again. Is this normal?
No, not normal (obviously). The only time my Mac has ever lost the connection to the FireWire card while in use was when I hot-plugged an external FW hard drive.

Do you have your computer set to go to sleep after a certain interval?
That's what I'm thinking. My mac pro does go to sleep. I believe when it sleeps it may be losing connection (because its' asleep) and does not restore the connection when it wakes up.
A quick way to restore communications is to just unplug and replug the FW plug.
My Mac based system is very stable with the DM now, but in the past, when I had problems, this was my quick solution.
Hope this helps.
The best solution and good common practice for all studio computers, is to disable all energy saving features - and shut the whole shebang down when work is done.
Fiber said:
That's a really bad solution, you should never hotplug firewire.
Always turn off either your mac or dm before conmect/disconnect. It's a real possibility that you burn either the fw port on your dm or mac if you don't. I learned this the hard way. :(

The firewire spec says that hot plugging is O.K.
I've done it hundreds of times in my set up and never had a problem.

That being said....
Don't do it if you have a set up that is not up to current specs.
Or... just don't do it.
Arjan P said:
The best solution and good common practice for all studio computers, is to disable all energy saving features - and shut the whole shebang down when work is done.

Sounds good. I did exactly that.
Fiber said:
That's a really bad solution, you should never hotplug firewire.
Always turn off either your mac or dm before conmect/disconnect. It's a real possibility that you burn either the fw port on your dm or mac if you don't. I learned this the hard way. :(

Right. That's why they call FireWire "hot swappable."

I wasn't unplugging the DM, but plugging a WD external hard drive into an open FW port. Both my Mac and the WD drive comply with the IEEE1394 standard and are in no danger when hot swapping a drive. (If you burned out a port unplugging a drive, I'd guess you either unplugged it while it was transferring data or were using a non-compliant PC).

My point wasn't that physical damage was done, but that it some how confused the OS as to what was on the FireWire ports.
I'm not sure they really meant hot swappable for devices like the DM 4800 I believe they just meant hard drives. all the audio interfaces I have had made it clear not to disconnect or connect them to the computer while the computer is on or while they are on.
Once again, I can tell you that I have done this many times with no problem.
It always reset the communications between the DM and the Mac.
FWIW, I was pulling the plug on the card, not the computer.

That being said... Don't try this at home, it could fry your card or your computer.

In my case, I would not hesitate to re-plug if I was in the middle of a session and needed to re-establish the link.

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