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Oct 30, 2014
Gear owned
Hi gang. I live in Liverpool, UK and I am employed as a care worker with my local council, with adults with specail needs. We have a small group of 7 adults with varied abilities who take part in a music session once a week. As part of the activity the group has been learning a pretty basic tune and actively perform along to the tune. (2 on keyboard, one on vocals and others on percussion). About a year ago we acquired a DP-03 recording studio with the aim of "cutting a cd" for their parents to see how they perform.

I was given the task of being "recording engineer" (with no previous experience of studio recording) so it's been a case of learn as you go. Somedays I swim and others I need breathing equipmet, but it's fun.

And that's my preliminary description, in a nutshell :)
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