Parts for a DP-24SD?


New Member
Jan 3, 2017
Gear owned
DP24SD, Porta03, PS5
The stereo slider on my DP-24SD broke. It's marked as "538C-10KB" which isn't a part number I can find in any distributor database. I asked TASCAM's customer service for help and they aren't answering - so that leaves me to find a part myself. Has anyone found these sliders anywhere who can point me to a source? A physical equivalent is fine as well. I took this apart to look for a part number and make some measurements. I found that the problem was the metal slider case had come uncrimped so I redid that. The slider works now as long as you don't touch it. That's better than it was.

If no one has any specific suggestions, I'll just pull that off the board, measure the pin spacing and find something. I'm hoping that one of you has replaced these sliders before and has some idea where to get one.

Crossing my fingers... Thanks in advance!
Try contacting Full Compass Systems, LTD in Madison, WI (just google for info). If they don't have the part, they normally can get it from TEAC/TASCAM if it is still available. I have used them in the past for hard-to-get repair parts for my Neo and DP32 when TEAC/TASCAM either refused to sell to me as an end-user and just plain wouldn't respond to requests. Good luck!
I had done that and posted here before they responded. They did write back and were extremely helpful. They sent me the service manual with the part numbers for the boards and asked me to identify precisely which slider I needed. They offered to contact Japan and see if they can get me one. Pretty awesome, especially if they come through!

I have a plan B to get this thing working again, and a plan C if I can't find something to fit that spot on the board. But I'm hopeful Full Compass comes through with the right piece.

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