The stereo slider on my DP-24SD broke. It's marked as "538C-10KB" which isn't a part number I can find in any distributor database. I asked TASCAM's customer service for help and they aren't answering - so that leaves me to find a part myself. Has anyone found these sliders anywhere who can point me to a source? A physical equivalent is fine as well. I took this apart to look for a part number and make some measurements. I found that the problem was the metal slider case had come uncrimped so I redid that. The slider works now as long as you don't touch it. That's better than it was.
If no one has any specific suggestions, I'll just pull that off the board, measure the pin spacing and find something. I'm hoping that one of you has replaced these sliders before and has some idea where to get one.
Crossing my fingers... Thanks in advance!
If no one has any specific suggestions, I'll just pull that off the board, measure the pin spacing and find something. I'm hoping that one of you has replaced these sliders before and has some idea where to get one.
Crossing my fingers... Thanks in advance!