Recording light

Interesting, I'm looking for a recording light myself. From the site, it seems that the USB Punchlight operates directly from the PC or Mac software, including Cubase.
I get the same impression. It looks like it's driven by the DAW transport via USB.

Should work fine.

Me likey! :)

captdan said:
it's driven by the DAW
Indeed! That's the way Punchlight products work.

Headroom said:
Maybe through the GPI
If you have very basic electronics skills, it should be trivial task to design and build your own recording light controlled by DM's GPI port.
If you have very basic electronics skills, it should be trivial task to design and build your own recording light controlled by DM's GPI port.
I happen to have a degree in electronics :oops: but I guess I'm just lazy. Still need a suitable lamp if I make the circuitry myself. That's how I found the punchlight, that seems to be all-in-one.
Helios here in Holland has several nice recording lights:
The ones with text are not what I'm looking for, since I want the light to be visible from both the studio and the control room.
This is awesome.

Slightly different topic...

Is there a way to have the talkback button trigger an external light? I constantly have band members in the control room talking about the musician in the studio and if they could see a more obvious light it might help with band dynamics.b :D

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junomat said:
Is there a way to have the talkback button trigger an external light?
There is, but it's not as easy one as a recording light, because GPI doesn't support talkback button. And it requires some internal modification on your DM: You'll have to design a circuit which senses a voltage across the talkback LED and then illuminates your light. A simple job for someone with electronics knowledge, but not recommended for anyone who has to ask if it's possible.
Jarno is right, that's a sure way to make it work. Another possibility is via the footswitch - but it requires you to use the footswitch for talkback operation. The switching action can be used to input a flip-flop circuit outside the DM to operate a light. You probably need similar electronic skills, but don't have to touch the DM's insides this way..
OK I did it for 2,05 euros.
The light is made of the cap of a car cockpit cleaner aerosol :) and some aluminum from the junk box. Power from a 9 Volts adapter, also from the junkbox. A few LEDs, one transistor and some resistors.


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Where in the DM documentation can the GPI pinout be found? I thought I had a separate pdf about it, but I either lost it or I remember wrong and it's in a different document altogether..
Strange, it's not in the DM3200 manual. Only mentioned in the Miscellaneous I/O specifications, where it says Pin1 = GPI1, Pin2 = GPI2 etc. I'll try the 4800 manual and check for more info.
Thanks, that was mentioned in the Miscellaneous I/O section. But I see in the DM4800 manual there's explanation about the GPI screen and how to assign actions to the outputs. Something to explore...

EDIT: Found it in the Supplemental Manual for the 1.60 firmware update. Apparently, GPI functionality was only added to the DM3200 in the 1.20 firmware version. Same info there as in the 4800 manual.
Headroom said:
OK I did it for 2,05 euros.
Great! That's exactly what I was talking about. And for 2,05€ :eek: ... quite a bargain!

Would you please share the schematics? It's been something like 25 years since the last time I designed an electronic circuit (additional AUX sends to my old mixing console) and I'm sure I would burn a handful of transistors and LEDs before getting it right.

BTW ... does anyone have electric specifications (voltage/max current) for the GPI connector?
Manual says 5V output level, no current mentioned. Pulse times are 150 ms.
BTW, Frans, I'd really appreciate your schematic too, if you're willing to share. Thanks!
Arjan P said:
Manual says 5V output level
Indeed it does ... hidden in one table caption:
DM manual said:
Table 2.4: GPI pin assignments (output level: 5V)
But still interested on current rating ... would it be possible to drive an array of LEDs without transistor (or some other kind of switch like relay)?

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