Remote operation Od DM4800 to Digital Performer

Jeff Kruizenga

New Member
Mar 18, 2015
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Gear owned
DM-4800 Digital Performer
I am trying to control the mixer functions within Digital Performer from the DM and when I have the routing screen selected and then press the remote button, my MACKIE CONTROL For DP comes up and the RT Tab show 1-8 and 9-16 tracks assigned correctly, but the 17-24 tracks are blank. How do I assign those tracks so they can also be controlled from the DM4800?
Okay - I will try that. Thank you!

That worked! I had to remove all the controllers first and then redo them - but that took care of the problem.
I installed a FW/DM mkII card this weekend and I see there is an icon for it in the Audio/Midi devices page so I am wondering if that needs to be hooked into the DM4800 for it to work? If so, does it matter where it goes on the DM4800 icon?
That icon represents the MIDI ports on the FW card. They don't have to be hooked up... mine is connected to my MacPro with a FW cable from the card for audio and the USB cable from the console rear panel for MIDI.
That's how mine is hooked in as well. I'm not sure what to use it for just yet, but I will work on that.
Now that I have signal coming into my board from Digital Performer I am trying to record from the board to DP. I read the short section in the manual that talks about output routing but I'm not sure how to direct my signal to a specific track in DP. For instance, I have a guitar plugged in to the line input on channel 24, and I want to send it to the armed track 9 in DP. I tried pressing the SEL button on channel 24 and then pressing the "assign" (1) button and then depressing the 9 button in the output assignment section, but that didn't work. I have tried a number of other combinations but can not seem to get the guitar signal to show up in that audio monitor on track 9 - although it is showing a signal on 24 in the audio monitor.
What am I doing wrong? I have my output routing set to buss 1/direct 1 through buss 24/direct 24, which explains why I am seeing the audio monitor signal on track 24, but is there a way to digitally reroute it to a specific track within DP?
In DP, you choose an input source for any given channel from the "Input" column (which will display, when you click on the Input box, the list of Input bundles you have created). Choose the input bundle you want, and then send it there from the console using the "Output Assign" buttons.
Thanks Jim, helped a lot. I think I have the majority of my issues worked out and for the first time tonight I was actually able to listen to previously recorded songs through my glimmery new DM4800 and record a new test song using it. Couldn't have done it without the help of the brain trust within this forum. Big thanks to Jim and all who offered tips.
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