Hi there
I bought the DP-24 (not SD) a few weeks ago,
now I just started to try to use the repeat function after setting the IN and OUt points ( in BAr mode as I want to use it in synchro with my synth MOXF6).
Strange, you can't see the "tics" , only the bar and beats,
I selected BAR 05 and BEAT 01 for IN point, then BAR 09 and BEAT 01 for the OUT point,
So there is a gap between the end and the start of the loop, I can't believe it is not gapless,
I noticed I have only FW (1.12) but I would like to know if this problem has been resolved in more recent FW, I made some research in this forum and noticed 2 topics which mentionned this problem,
so is the problem (the gap with repeat function) resolved in the latest FW (1.18) ?
the release notes dosen't mentionned anything else other than "Operation stability" for the latest.
I bought the DP-24 (not SD) a few weeks ago,
now I just started to try to use the repeat function after setting the IN and OUt points ( in BAr mode as I want to use it in synchro with my synth MOXF6).
Strange, you can't see the "tics" , only the bar and beats,
I selected BAR 05 and BEAT 01 for IN point, then BAR 09 and BEAT 01 for the OUT point,
So there is a gap between the end and the start of the loop, I can't believe it is not gapless,
I noticed I have only FW (1.12) but I would like to know if this problem has been resolved in more recent FW, I made some research in this forum and noticed 2 topics which mentionned this problem,
so is the problem (the gap with repeat function) resolved in the latest FW (1.18) ?
the release notes dosen't mentionned anything else other than "Operation stability" for the latest.