Requesting Help from Jarno and Jamsire


Oct 6, 2012
Gear owned
Is there a way to automate the DM Stereo fader from my DAW?
Is there a way to record just that fader's data on a midi channel?

Sometimes I want to be able to recreate a Stereo manual fade without going into the DM automation.

Now I'm able to record the Master Fader Stereo controller data in to my DAW.
The problem is that the DM Stereo fader doesn't respond to the data on playback.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Jarno? Jamsire?
You guys are the gurus of this.

The Stereo fader still doesn't respond to the playback of the controller info.
What am I missing?
Jarno? Jamsire?
You guys are the gurus of this.

The Stereo fader still doesn't respond to the playback of the controller info.
What am I missing?

Ooooops! Sorry - I have been enjoying my summer off. I'll get on this later this weekend. What DAW are you using again?
Nice to have a summer off!

Thanks for the reply.
No hurry, I'm just stumped by this one.

Nice to have a summer off!

Thanks for the reply.
No hurry, I'm just stumped by this one.



Still, no DAW info.................?
Sorry.... Digital Performer 8.06.
Also... just read your post about requests for help.
I'm hoping this doesn't fall in to that category.
It sounded like you and Jarno had a solution.

Please disregard this if it's not an easy thing.
More info...
I'm currently using the remote layer for bi-directional control of 24 faders in DP.
Also machine control.
It all works fine.

I just can't figure out a way to automate the DM's Stereo fader.
Digital Performer, my weakness. Gonna try and ask a buddy who uses it.
Sorry.... Digital Performer 8.06.
Also... just read your post about requests for help.
I'm hoping this doesn't fall in to that category.
It sounded like you and Jarno had a solution.

Please disregard this if it's not an easy thing.

You're not a newbie - this is just something with a specific DAW I do not use. So I have to try and figure out how to duplicate it in Cubase which is the closest similar program.
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First, let me apologize for taking so long with an answer. Ok - here ya go:

1. Just like Jarno said: "
MIDI/CtrlChg MIX/MASTER/FADER/ST -make sure "USB: 4" is connected in MIDI/SETUP. So you were able to get that to happen.

2. In DP - maker sure that your MIDI IN - is set to TASCAM DM USB-4

3. In DP - maker sure that your MIDI OUT (on that midi track you have designated for the master fader data - is set to TASCAM DM USB-4 also - it needs to know where to send the controller data to. Also make sure the midi channels on the midi track in DP match the midi channel you designated in the DM (i.e. MIDI Ch. 1, Ctrl. #7).

4. Go to Layer #1, and hit play in DP. If you are in the Remote Layer - you will not see any movement on the DM's stereo fader. You have to be in one of the first three layers to see the stereo fader actually move.

This works in Cubase 6.07 and I have to admit is quite the useful tool.

I'm sure you'll dig it - took me all of 5 minutes to get it to work. It scared me a little when I saw the stereo fader actually move.
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Jamsire to the rescue again!
Many thanks!
I was using the DM midi port... it would record the midi, but wouldn't send it back.
USB4 is called DM Program Change Port in the Apple Audio Midi setup.
I switched to that and all is well.

Perfect solution.

BTW, I played in Napa last night...
Got home just a few hours before the quake.
A couple of new cracks in my house, but everybody is fine.
BTW, I played in Napa last night...
Got home just a few hours before the quake.
A couple of new cracks in my house, but everybody is fine.

Oh my goodness - I'm glad to hear you're ok! I hope when you do a full inspection of your house that everything is ok as well.
OT: We're just 35 miles from the epicenter; shook the place long and hard for 20 seconds; one of the longest temblors I've been in - and I've been in a few. :)

Waterstrum: good thing thing the quake didn't hit during your gig; downtown Napa got hit pretty hard. The good news is, the 'hypocenter' (depth) was 7 miles; any higher, things would've been much worse.

I'm sure Jim felt the shake too, but probably not nearly as much.

And people ask me why my studio nearfields are 'earthquake strapped' to my console. :)

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We felt it good in Santa Rosa. Things shook pretty hard in the flats, but our hillside does what our neighbors call "the roll:". Less shake and more eerie back and forth/up and down swaying. It woke us up, made the bed feel like a porch swing for 30 seconds. Only damage was the Peter Milton poster hanging over the fireplace was real crooked.

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