Reverb In The Mastering Phase


Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
I have a few songs that I'm at the mastering phase with and I'd like to add reverb to them. To explain it more clearly, for each respective song that I'm going to master using the dp-24, I'd like to add reverb to them. If it's possible to do so, can someone please explain the basics to me in regards to what setting I'd use and where I can find it and generally how can I apply it.
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I'd also like to ask, if I were to also consider returning into multitrack mode to my original pre-mix stereo track (I do a pre-mix bounce combining all of my tracks into a single stereo track immediately prior to entering into mixdown mode) and then add reverb to that stereo track prior to taking it through the mixdown, how do I add reverb to it there?
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Hey Micki - welcome to the forum.

Watch these two videos and see if they answer your question(s) appropriately. If not, come on back and someone should be here to help further.

I found another of his excellent videos online that explains more of an abbreviated and concise step by step way of using reverb effects. The links that you replied with though are excellent too thank you.

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