Routing Help


New Member
Mar 13, 2021
Gear owned
Model 12
Hi. I'm a new Tascam user but I've been streaming for years and the reason I upgraded to the Model 12 was that I believed I'd be able to get rid of this horrendous jury rigged system of Voicemeeter and Virtual Audio Cable that I had to use with my Scarlett. So far, no luck! I did search this forum and found two threads by people who had similar issues as I (one about Zoom and another about Ableton) but upon reading the replies, it almost seems like my Tascam isn't working properly.

I've followed the manufacturer's updated guide specific to OBS and I've followed two videos as best I could, but again my interface isn't working the same way theirs appeared to be.

Here's my setup: I have a Maschine Mk3 plugged in to channels 3 and 4 on the Model 12, using its own internal interface. The Model 12 is in USB mode (stereo mix) on channels 1 and 2 which should be taking audio from Ableton Live. In other people's videos I'm seeing 12 different in/out channels in their DAW for routing but when I go to both my DAW and OBS, I only see "Speakers" and "Microphone". If I remove the Model 12 from Ableton, Maschine comes through perfectly and OBS detects audio from it on the Microphone channel. If I assign Ableton to the Model 12, I don't even get audio from the Maschine anymore. If I remove the Maschine, I don't get any audio whatsoever (which makes sense as apparently the Tascam isn't forwarding any audio at all to my PC except for the physical inputs).

I should also mention that right now my Model 12 isn't operating perfectly because I didn't realize that its main outputs were XLR and my monitors only take TRS, so I'm using the sub out. I don't know if this affects internal routing at all.

Thanks for any help. Aside from streaming, I love the Model 12. I don't regret upgrading at all, I just don't want to have to run it through my Scarlett when I need to stream.
Writing this reminded me to order some XLR to TRS cables yesterday so when they arrive today (all hail Amazon one day shipping) maybe that will fix something...
Try downloading the ASIO Plugin for OBS, so you can have access to the ASIO function

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